Be Courageous and Strong
1 The days we live in are difficult, referred to in Scripture as the ‘time of the end.’ Yet there is much to be done in the work of public preaching and disciple-making. Those who would share fully in this work must be courageous and strong. The example of Joshua can help us in this.
2 Jehovah said to Joshua: “Be courageous and very strong to take care to do according to all the law that Moses my servant commanded you. Do not turn aside from it to the right or to the left, in order that you may act wisely everywhere you go.” Again he said: “Be courageous and strong. Do not suffer shock or be terrified, for Jehovah your God is with you wherever you go.” All of us, young members of the congregation as well as adults, need to be like Joshua.—Josh. 1:7, 9.
3 One does not become courageous and strong overnight. It takes—
4 Joshua was Moses’ attendant and minister. He was blessed in many ways by working closely with Moses. You, too, can benefit by working with other, perhaps older, brothers in the congregation. Make known your willingness to help. Then don’t wait to be asked, but pitch in and help when you see them doing work around the Kingdom Hall, going in field service or rendering personal assistance to another person. It takes courage and strength to do this, but the blessings you will enjoy are many.
5 It often calls for courage and strength to stick to a job until it is finished. Apparently, Joshua faithfully remained for 40 days at the base of the mountain when Moses was on Mount Sinai receiving the commandments of God. (Ex. 24:12-15; 32:15-17) Are you, too, willing to stick to your theocratic assignments, even when they may take longer than you expected?
6 Admittedly, it takes courage and strength to stand up for Jehovah and the truth when others oppose. Do you put forth the effort to do this? It was not easy for Joshua or Caleb to stand alone when 10 others disagreed with the position of faith they took. And it was not easy for them to remain faithful when the majority of those who heard their report rejected it and threatened to stone them to death. Nevertheless, Joshua and Caleb stood firm because they were sure that Jehovah would protect them, as well as all of his faithful people.—Num. 13:30, 31; 14:6-10.
7 Many young members of the congregation will be returning to school this month. If you are one of these, you may face opposers who do not agree with you, just as Joshua did. When you are ridiculed or threatened because of your faith and your bold Christian stand, will you remain firm and continue to walk in Christian integrity? Will you also continue to show courage and reliance on Jehovah by boldly declaring the good news from house to house, as well as on other appropriate occasions? Admittedly, such courage and Christian faith calls for dependence on Jehovah.—Ps. 118:6; 55:22.
8 Because Joshua and Caleb had confidence that Jehovah would care for them, and because they followed his direction in faith, Jehovah said: “They have followed Jehovah wholly.” (Num. 32:12) Do you have that kind of faith and courage?
9 Joshua resolved: “As for me and my household, we shall serve Jehovah.” (Josh. 24:15) All of us, young members of the congregation as well as adults, should personally put forth the effort to be like Joshua. Always pray for Jehovah’s help. With his blessing we can be courageous and strong and serve in a way that brings honor to him.