Be Zealous in Spreading Life-giving Knowledge
1 “Come with me, and see my zeal for Jehovah.” Thus spoke Jehu to Jonadab when carrying out his commission from Jehovah. (2 Ki. 10:16, American Standard Version) Today, also, many have noted the zeal of Jehovah’s servants.
2 One modern historian stated: “Jehovah’s Witnesses have literally covered the earth with their witnessing. . . . It may be truly said that no single religious group in the world displayed more zeal and persistence in the attempt to spread the good news of the Kingdom.” Others have said: “We admire their zeal.” Yes, true Christianity is marked by zeal. That is why Jehovah’s Witnesses are so active in spreading life-giving knowledge.
3 Zeal is defined as intense eagerness or ardent interest in pursuit of something. Some synonyms are: enthusiasm, intensity, willingness and fervor. Where there is zeal there is life, vibrance. Spiritual zeal includes having genuine love for God and neighbor. (Mark 12:29-31) It is contagious and stirs one up to a godly ministry. “Exert yourselves vigorously,” exhorts Jesus. “Do not loiter at your business,” echoes Paul, reminding us of the urgency of our preaching activity. Let all of us, therefore, participate zealously in spreading the life-giving knowledge of truth.—Luke 13:24; Rom. 12:11.
4 What a joy it is to help someone come to know and serve Jehovah! Our magazines are an aid to that end. Our zeal should move us to make time to declare the “good news.” During November, we can show zeal by presenting the subscription for both The Watchtower and Awake!, just as we did in October. To serve Jehovah with faithfulness and zeal involves work, but if we have appreciation for the increasing urgency to spread life-giving knowledge, we will show zeal by sharing in field service to the extent possible.
5 Despite colder weather in much of the country in November, zeal should impel us to be out in the field, preaching in our territory. (Jer. 20:9) Could you take full advantage of the congregation’s arrangements for group witnessing? What about planning to go out at other times as well? Talk over your schedule with others and encourage them to work with you.
6 In view of these critical times and the urgent message we bear, there is a need for us to “be aglow with the spirit” as we encourage others to become acquainted with God and his Word. By zealously spreading the life-giving knowledge published in The Watchtower and Awake! and inviting others to subscribe to them, we give evidence of our own appreciation for the vital information they contain. Remember that these are the most widely circulated religious magazines in the world. Certainly they are the most beneficial ones published. So we have good reason to be zealous and enthusiastic about offering the subscriptions.
7 Ask yourself: “Am I zealous for fine works? Can my support of the preaching activity be described as ardent, whole-souled?” Your answers will tell you much about the intensity of your zeal. The more we share in spreading life-giving knowledge, the greater will be the number of those who see that we are truly a people “zealous for fine works.”—Titus 2:14.