Presenting the Good News—By Following Up Interest in the “Live Forever” Book
1 Is it not thrilling to know that thousands have already accepted the new book You Can Live Forever in Paradise on Earth? Every indication is that this Bible study aid will prove to be a most valuable instrument for use in the field as the ingathering continues.—Isa. 60:8, 22.
2 But placing the book is only the first step. There must be a meaningful follow-up with return visits and progressive home Bible studies. Since the Live Forever book is designed for conducting Bible studies, we can approach this work enthusiastically and with confidence.
3 Do not delay calling back on interested people. Although they may have accepted the book, pressures of everyday living and resultant anxieties can cause interest to fade rapidly, even as illustrated in Jesus’ parable of the sower. (Matt. 13:18-23) It may take several return visits to get a study started with some individuals, but many publishers still obtain good results by offering a free home Bible study on the very first visit.
4 But how might interest in the Live Forever book be developed into a Bible study? You might say: “This book answers many of the basic questions that people often ask about God and the Bible. For example, many religions teach that hell is a place of eternal fiery torment for the wicked. What is your personal belief on this point? [Allow response.] Sincere persons have been surprised to learn that God’s own Son, Jesus Christ, went to hell! [Using a copy of the Authorized Version, read and discuss Acts 2:31.] Can you see that if we accept this common view of hell, then we are forced to believe that God’s perfect Son, Jesus, was wicked? Obviously that would make God’s Word a lie. On the other hand, you may be interested in learning the Bible’s truthful answer to the question ‘What Kind of Place Is Hell?’” (Live Forever, page 81) At this point some publishers like to exchange books with the householder, allowing him to use a book with the answers marked. After considering the first three paragraphs, draw attention to the difference between their book and yours, showing the advantage and necessity of preparation.
5 Another approach might be: “Have you ever thought about living forever? [Allow response.] Of course, many would not relish the thought of doing so in view of the suffering, violence and hunger that already plague us.” While turning to pages 11-13, you might say: “But suppose you could live forever under conditions like these—would not that be pleasurable? [Allow response.] To do so, however, requires something of us. Notice what paragraph 19 says. [Read.] Let me demonstrate how this book is designed to help you do just that.”
6 Have you already placed one or more of the Live Forever books? If so, do not fail to call back and follow up the interest you have found. You will no doubt find that the many excellent features of this book will make it easy for you to start and conduct a progressive home Bible study even if you have never conducted a study before. Ask Jehovah to help you, and then do your part in putting this fine new Bible study aid to good use in helping someone else to learn of the hope of living forever in Paradise on earth.