Presenting the Good News—With the Watchtower Subscription
1 Have you ever wondered why some publishers have so much success in obtaining subscriptions to The Watchtower, while others say, ‘I find it difficult to get a subscription’? Do some have more ability? Some may express themselves better than others, but this does not necessarily bring success in obtaining subscriptions. Why not ask yourself, How do I feel about offering a subscription to The Watchtower? Your answer to that question may determine how successful you will be. Do you feel more comfortable just offering the magazines or a book and thus limit yourself in this way? If so, it may be that you need to cultivate a more positive attitude toward offering subscriptions.
2 Recognizing a problem is the first step to overcoming it. To cultivate a more positive attitude, talk to those who obtain subscriptions regularly. Note their enthusiasm and the initiative they show in looking for opportunities to offer subscriptions. Recognize how valuable the magazine subscriptions can be in helping others come to know Jehovah. These steps can assist you in successfully proclaiming the good news with the Watchtower subscription.
3 Another factor to consider is preparation. Do you have a presentation that will stimulate interest in the Watchtower subscription? Are you adaptable? Basically, there are two types of people we confront in our door-to-door ministry: (1) Those who are religious and manifest a belief in the Bible; (2) those who no longer are interested in religion or the Bible. How do you deal with these situations?
4 With a religious person you might begin by saying: “It is good to find individuals who are still interested in the Bible. It seems that many consider the Bible as just another book. As a reader of God’s Word, what practical benefits has its message brought to your life?” (If householder responds, listen closely and comment on positive points.) You might then comment that while many people read the Bible they fail to benefit because of not understanding what they read, and add: “The Watchtower has been of assistance to me in gaining a better understanding of God’s Word. In fact, millions have found that it has greatly increased their understanding of the Bible.” Then show them an interesting point in the magazine. Conclude by saying: “We are happy to be able to offer a subscription to The Watchtower, which would include 24 issues, for only $3.50.”
5 What if the person says he is not interested in religion or the Bible? You could reply: “Many people feel that way today. Why do you think this is true?” (Listen carefully and, if possible, make a positive comment on the householder’s expressions.) You could then mention that many have lost faith in God and the Bible because of what people do who profess to believe in God. Others have felt that science and its teachings outdate the Bible. You could ask: “Did you ever wonder, though, why the Bible is still the world’s best-seller? For over 100 years The Watchtower has helped millions to see the value of God’s Word. How? By supplying reasonable, practical guidance based on Bible principles.” (Direct householder’s attention to a specific point in the current magazine.) In conclusion, say: “You can receive 24 future issues of The Watchtower through the mail for only $3.50.”
6 How will you present the subscription offer? Remember, a positive attitude will contribute to your success.