Benefiting Fully From The Watchtower and Awake!
1 They keep watch on world happenings that fulfill Bible prophecy. They probe beneath the surface and point to the real meaning behind current events. They point to the Bible and also show us how to cope with today’s problems. Most importantly, they build confidence in Jehovah as the only true God and identify his true organization on earth. They are The Watchtower and Awake! Are you benefiting fully from them?
2 When we have personal subscriptions, we are assured of getting every magazine in advance of the issue date, thus allowing us to examine them carefully before offering them in the field. Home delivery of the magazines is spaced evenly, approximately one issue per week, providing a steady supply of spiritual food and at the same time allowing for a balanced schedule for reading. Children can also benefit by having their personal subscriptions. If you have not already subscribed, give serious thought to doing so this very week.
3 When received, each issue stirs a certain measure of expectation. But what then? Do you merely flip through the magazine, noting the titles and the illustrations, or do you sit down and read at least one or two articles immediately and then all the rest just as soon as you can?
4 Often there is new understanding, a different approach or new congregational procedures explained in The Watchtower. This important information can be found in the study articles as well as in those generally referred to as secondary. Do you mark new points and other important information for future reference? Do you save a copy of each issue for your personal library? Doing this will increase appreciation of these fountains of upbuilding information, The Watchtower and Awake!
5 Once again during October, subscriptions to Awake! or The Watchtower, or both, will be our literature offer. If we personally are convinced of the unique value of these magazines and have benefited fully from reading them ourselves, we will offer them to others with sincere and convincing enthusiasm. They are the only magazines in the world that point the way to life. We can say this with full confidence. Perhaps many others will benefit fully from The Watchtower and Awake! if they respond to our invitation to subscribe.