Presenting the Good News—To Young People
1 Are you prepared to present the good news to the young people in your territory? Or are you somewhat hesitant and perhaps inclined to abbreviate your presentation when a young person comes to the door? The good news of God is for all people, whether young or old.
2 Do not assume because the person you encounter is young in years that he is indifferent to religious subjects or is oblivious to world conditions. Rather, take advantage of the opportunity and speak enthusiastically about Jehovah’s wonderful promises. View the person as a prospective disciple, just as you do when someone older comes to the door. True, many young ones have been influenced by the teaching of evolution, and some may have little regard for moral principles. However, a recent survey among college students found that over 80 percent agreed that religious practices are important, and another study revealed that the majority of young people today do, as the survey put it, “believe in God or in a universal spirit.”
3 Many youths are concerned about the future and what it holds for them. Often young people are quite willing to listen and then express themselves on this subject. So when a young person comes to the door, do not hesitate to begin a Scriptural discussion. Be positive and strive to reach his heart. We do not want to ignore the spiritual needs of the many young people in our territory.
4 Our current Topic for Conversation “Will the Earth Be Destroyed in a Nuclear War?” affords an excellent opportunity to get the attention of young adults. The threat of nuclear war is very real today, and young people are fully aware of what would happen if such a war should erupt. Can we get their viewpoint on the subject and start a conversation? Many of them will be surprised to learn that the Bible supplies a very comforting answer to this disturbing question.
5 Be prepared to meet young people and have information ready that will appeal to them. In every issue of The Watchtower and Awake! you will find one or more articles that will be of special interest to young people. For example, during the month of September we can approach young ones with articles such as “You Can Have a Happy Future,” “The Persistent Plague—The Sexual Revolution’s Dark Side” and “Telescopes and Microscopes—Have Their Revelations Undermined or Strengthened Your Faith?” Become acquainted with these articles; it will help you to be prepared to present the good news to the young people you meet.
6 If you are likely to encounter college students in the territory, you may want to carry an Evolution book or Is the Bible Really the Word of God? Or what about having a Family Life book for offering to young married couples? In most cases it will not be difficult to carry these small publications in addition to the current offer.
7 By having a positive attitude, getting acquainted with material that is published specifically for young people and by carrying additional publications tailored to their particular needs, we will be prepared. Millions of young people are sincerely looking for solutions to the problems they face. Many are responding to the Kingdom good news. We are concerned about the welfare of all mankind, regardless of age. So let our genuine concern move us to prepare well and make an appealing presentation of the good news to the young people we meet in our territory. We may be able to help some young person to “flee from the desires incidental to youth” in this old system and “pursue righteousness” with everlasting life in view.—2 Tim. 2:22.