Studying the Divine Name Brochure
1 “Give thanks to Jehovah, you people! Call upon his name. . . . Make mention that his name is put on high.” (Isa. 12:4) This is what all of us want to do, and it is one of the reasons why the brochure The Divine Name That Will Endure Forever was published. Since its release at the conventions last summer, this brochure has helped us fulfill this command even more effectively. Doubtless, most of us have read the brochure by now.
2 To be certain that all are fully conversant with its contents, the Society has arranged for it to be studied at the Congregation Book Study during March and April. We will all want to gain the most from these studies. How can we do that?
3 The key is preparation. The brochure will be studied in the usual way, with paragraphs being read and cited scriptures looked up as time permits. But since the Society has not supplied questions for the paragraphs, how can we prepare in advance? In the same way we prepare to comment on articles in Our Kingdom Ministry. Read each paragraph carefully, check cited scriptures, and then underline the main thoughts.
4 There is an extra step for the study conductor. When he finds the main point in the paragraph, he will formulate a question to highlight that point. For example, in the first paragraph on page 3, the Lord’s Prayer is discussed, particularly the first words of it. Hence, the conductor may wish to ask: “What prayer is familiar to most religious persons? How does that prayer begin?” The second paragraph shows what is implied by the order of subjects in the Lord’s Prayer. So the conductor could ask: “What is the most important thing that we can pray for? This is more important than what other things?” Questions should be short, clear, and to the point. Usually questions should be asked one at a time.
5 The large boxes contain important information that should be discussed right after the paragraph to which they most closely relate. For example, the box on page 7 may be discussed after paragraph 2 on page 11. The large box on page 21 may be discussed when the assigned portion for that week has been covered. And the box on page 25 may be discussed after paragraph 4 on page 25.
6 In some cases the study conductor may prefer to have all the paragraphs in the box read at one time and then discuss the box as a whole, rather than paragraph by paragraph. (There is no need to read the contents of the box on page 8.) Those in attendance can comment on the smaller boxes and illustrations. If they fail to do so, the conductor should draw attention to the information when appropriate.
7 Our studying the brochure The Divine Name That Will Endure Forever will help us to think upon Jehovah’s name. (Mal. 3:16) If we prepare conscientiously and are present at each study, we will be qualified to help others also to think upon Jehovah’s name.