The Congregation Book Study
1 The Congregation Book Study fills a vital need in our spiritual progress. We should all hold it in high esteem. If some regularly miss this meeting, could it be that they regard it as less important than the other meetings? All can benefit from taking a fresh look at the Congregation Book Study arrangement.
2 The conductor should be a serious student of God’s Word. He is usually one of the shepherds, or elders. To be effective, he must prepare well and analyze how the material can contribute to the spiritual growth of those in attendance. He should carefully listen to the comments and take an interest in the individual progress of those under his care. At the same time, he needs to be kind and considerate, encouraging all to participate and yet not embarrassing anyone.
3 A good teacher will make sure that the main ideas are highlighted. The conductor will be alert to recognize inaccurate comments and will tactfully see that the correct thought is expressed. He should be selective in assigning a brother as reader each week and when calling on individuals to read key scriptures.—Titus 1:9; Phil. 1:9.
4 Advance preparation on the part of all in attendance is important. There may not be enough time during the study to read all the cited scriptures. But if you look them up ahead of time, you may be able to comment on them. You can also practice pronouncing difficult words or names in cited scriptures. We are all encouraged to give comments and to strive to do so in our own words. This will help us to express ourselves better when sharing Bible truths in the ministry.
5 An atmosphere conducive to learning should be maintained at the Congregation Book Study. Thus, parents should endeavor to control youngsters so they do not disrupt the meeting. It is appreciated when brothers open their home for the study and endeavor to maintain a meeting place that is clean, well lighted, and properly ventilated. By being truly hospitable, they make others feel welcome. (Prov. 3:9) Of course, those attending the study should respect the home and show appreciation by not abusing the facilities or taking undue liberties. As with all other congregational meetings, our dress, grooming, and decorum should bespeak the dignity associated with our worship of Jehovah.—See page 63 in Our Ministry book.
6 The Congregation Book Study also provides valuable training for the field ministry. We can be conscious of field points expressed during the study. Making comments can help us to overcome timidity and become better acquainted with the Scriptures. A positive view of the Congregation Book Study arrangement will indeed increase our appreciation for the way Jehovah cares for his flock.