Continue Declaring Abroad the Kingdom of God
1 “No man that has put his hand to a plow and looks at the things behind is well fitted for the kingdom of God.” This was Jesus’ reply to one who wanted to beg off from following him. (Luke 9:59-62) But how have Jehovah’s people today responded to the invitation to follow Jesus?
2 The 1986 service year began with a new peak of regular pioneers. Since then we have had a new peak almost every month, bringing the total number to well over 45,000! We also rejoiced to see a fine response to auxiliary pioneer service in the spring. Congregation publishers averaged over ten hours in March—their highest hour average since 1976! The total number of publishers in the United States reached a new peak of 725,799 in April. Another highlight during the year was the Memorial celebration on March 24, with an attendance of 1,691,297 here in the United States alone. Such increases made it necessary to form 195 new congregations during the first ten months of the service year.
3 Our Kingdom-preaching and disciple-making work is accelerating toward its conclusion. Soon it will be accomplished, “and then the end will come.” (Matt. 24:14) Will we be among those feeling satisfied, knowing we did our utmost in Jehovah’s service? (Compare 2 Peter 3:11, 14.) Having personal service goals will help us to share fully in declaring abroad the Kingdom good news. What can we do individually to increase and refine our sacrifice of praise to Jehovah?—Heb. 13:15.
4 For some, it could mean participating regularly in field service on the first Sunday of every month. Once that goal has been accomplished, we may also find that we are able to schedule service regularly at other times during the month. If up until now we have been spending only a few hours in the ministry each month, could we perhaps set a personal goal to increase our time in the field to ten or more hours? It may be reasonable for others of us to take up auxiliary or regular pioneer service.
5 In September we will again be offering the book Life—How Did It Get Here? By Evolution or by Creation? Our use of this book has brought Jehovah’s name and purpose to the fore, as the following experience shows. In a southern state a publisher took the initiative to visit seven high schools in one district, informing them of the value of the Creation book. At every school the principal felt that the students and faculty should know about the book. Five of the high schools put the book on display, and all seven cataloged the book in their libraries. Will you have a share in further distribution of the Creation book in September? This colorful publication quickly arouses interest and is easy to present with the tract Kingdom News No. 33.
6 Set personal and family goals. Be determined to have a full share in offering the Creation book this month. May all of us continue to respond positively to Jesus’ invitation: “Be my follower.” Having ‘put our hand to the plow,’ may all of us keep our eyes fixed straight ahead and continue to “declare abroad the kingdom of God.”