Meetings to Help Us Make Disciples
10 min: Local announcements. Theocratic News. Outline field service arrangements for the week. Encourage all to share in ministry on first Sunday of September.
20 min: “Continue Declaring Abroad the Kingdom of God.” Secretary discusses article with audience participation. Enthusiastically review highlights of 1986 service year, incorporating what local congregation has accomplished. Encourage all to set reasonable service goals. When considering Creation book offer, have capable publisher demonstrate simple presentation using Kingdom News No. 33, as suggested on page 8 of November 1985 Our Kingdom Ministry. Then demonstrate presentation using Topic for Conversation.
15 min: Question Box. Discussion to be handled by one on Congregation Service Committee. Emphasize that baptismal candidate must be an approved associate, a person who is ready to make a dedication to Jehovah or has already done so. Best for candidate not to wait until just before an assembly before expressing his desire to be baptized.
Song 202 and concluding prayer.
10 min: Local announcements and accounts report. How are arrangements for field service being supported? Relate experiences to show benefits of such support. Encourage all to share in the magazine work this Saturday and suggest talking points for presenting current magazines.
15 min: “Assist Newer Publishers.” Talk and audience discussion. Encourage qualified brothers and sisters to arrange to work with different newer ones to help them become more effective in field service.
20 min: Developing Interest in Creation Book. Talk with demonstrations. Many Creation books placed in the field. Are we prepared to follow up interest so it does not wither and die? Have two publishers discuss use of material under “Evolution” in Reasoning book, starting on page 121. Note especially two points of view as expressed on pages 126 and 127, one expressing belief in evolution and the other acknowledging the existence of a Creator. Show how we can use this information in house-to-house ministry or on return visits. Chairman refers to Creation book, highlights fine material that not only refutes evolution but builds faith. What subject would interest householder? The book is designed with questions to be studied. Chapter 3 deals with familiar material from Genesis. Or perhaps material in chapters 16 and 17 on “Why Would God Permit Suffering?” and “Can You Trust the Bible?” would appeal to householder. If time permits, two publishers can demonstrate starting study by using this fine publication.
Song 151 and concluding prayer.
7 min: Local announcements. Selected Announcements from Our Kingdom Ministry.
20 min: “Young People, Be Progressive in the Ministry.” Question-and-answer discussion, followed by interview with two or three youngsters highlighting goals mentioned in article.
18 min: Upholding Truth of Creation Account. Talk and demonstration based on March 8, 1983, Awake!, pages 12-15, and Reasoning book, page 88, second section. Five-minute talk should make clear the difference between the claim of fundamentalists that the six creative days were each 24 hours long and the Bible teaching of creation. When offering the Creation book, we need to be prepared to expose the false viewpoint of fundamentalists as well as the evolution theory. Demonstrate publisher talking to person who does not believe in evolution but thinks the creation took place in six 24-hour days. Publisher uses material in Reasoning book to help householder reason on the matter and see how such teaching has been a stumbling block to people who have some knowledge of the material universe. Householder responds favorably, accepts offer of book, and invites publisher back for return visit. Chairman concludes with encouragement for all to become acquainted with facts in the Society’s publications on the Bible teaching of creation.
Song 174 and concluding prayer.
10 min: Local announcements. Encourage participation in magazine work on fourth Saturday. Demonstrate two well-prepared magazine presentations, one featuring current Watchtower and the other featuring current Awake!
15 min: “Presenting the Good News—As a Family.” Elder and ministerial servant who are parents discuss the article with children of various ages. Following discussion, they make specific comments on how they plan to apply the counsel.
12 min: Local needs or talk on How to Close the Generation Gap. If no local needs, elder discusses how working with young people in service and otherwise can help keep lines of communication open. Cover information in July 22, 1986, Awake! article “Can You Close the Generation Gap?”
8 min: Experiences placing Creation book. Select experiences that illustrate good results from applying theocratic suggestions in making Creation book offer.
Song 20 and concluding prayer.