‘Go Make Disciples!’—Do You?
1 One of the greatest joys you can have as a Kingdom publisher is to help someone take in accurate knowledge of the truth. As the person grows in knowledge and appreciation, your heart will swell with joy and gratitude to Jehovah. We are fully aware that while we share in planting and watering the seeds of truth, it is Jehovah who makes them grow. However, what a thrill it is to have a part in directing an honesthearted one onto the road to life!—1 Cor. 3:6-9.
2 Are you a family head? If so, are you regularly conducting a Bible study with your family? This is a very important matter. Family heads are responsible before Jehovah to instruct and guide their family members in the way of life. (Deut. 6:4-7; Eph. 5:25-29; 1 Tim. 5:8) By all means, shoulder your responsibility to make disciples of them.
3 In addition to your family Bible study, can you also conduct a study with someone else? A more important question may be: Do you recognize the privilege and responsibility that is yours to teach someone else the truth in obedience to Jesus’ command? (Matt. 28:19, 20) It would appear that many more publishers in the United States could conduct a home Bible study. In some areas it takes real persistence to obtain a study. Repeated return visits are necessary. Maybe you have tried but just have not been able to find someone that is willing to study. What can you do?
4 You might start by asking yourself: What is my attitude toward the Bible study work? Do I really want a study? Do I look upon this part of the ministry as important and lifesaving, realizing that the majority of people in the world are ‘dead in their trespasses’?—Eph. 2:1.
5 Publishers and pioneers alike have written to the Society telling how Jehovah answered their fervent prayer when they asked him specifically to help them find interested persons with whom to conduct Bible studies. (Rom. 12:12; 1 Thess. 5:17) Have you done this? Have you made supplication to your heavenly Father for the privilege of finding and teaching someone who is sincerely searching for the truth?—Ezek. 9:4.
6 During the 1985 service year, there were 447,298 Bible studies conducted on the average each month in the United States. This is indeed commendable. During that same period of time 9,021,009 Bibles, books, and booklets, as well as over 88 million magazines were placed. So the Society’s publications are to be found in many homes where studies are not yet being conducted. Thus, it is apparent that there is a fine potential for starting more home Bible studies.
7 Could it be that we need to be more Bible-study conscious and put forth a greater effort to start studies in the “Look!” brochure? Do you share in the ministry with a positive attitude, realizing that the angels are assisting in the work by directing Jehovah’s people to the doors of those who desire to hear the “everlasting good news”? (Rev. 14:6) The great joy that will be yours as you help another person to learn the truth will more than compensate for the effort you put forth to follow Jesus’ command to ‘go make disciples’ and teach them.