Presenting the Good News—In Evening Witnessing
1 As Jehovah speeds up the ingathering work, more congregations are being formed everywhere, publishers and pioneers are increasing in numbers, and many publishers are spending more time in the field ministry. In some areas it may well be that there is very little territory to be worked. Publishers may be calling at the same homes quite often. However, it is also observed that many of the people are not at home when we call at their doors during the daytime, and some rarely have opportunity to hear the Kingdom message even though we are working the territory regularly.
2 You will be encouraged to know that this situation is changing in many congregations where the publishers have begun to concentrate on evening witnessing. Publishers have reported finding someone at almost every home in certain territories, whereas earlier in the day very few were home. It is also reported that in general people appear to be relaxed toward the end of the day and are more inclined to listen when approached with the Kingdom message.
3 There are certain points we need to keep in mind if we are to be successful in evening witnessing. People may be somewhat apprehensive about unexpected and unknown visitors, especially after dark. Thought should be given to how we will approach the householders. A review of what is stated on page 9 of the Reasoning book can be helpful. We need to convey genuine concern for the welfare of people. This can encourage the householders to feel at ease and to express themselves openly. The Reasoning book also reminds us to observe formalities that are customary and that are expected of visitors. This would include properly introducing ourselves and observing local customs in this regard.
4 Uninvited calls at inappropriate hours should not be made. The householder’s security measures should be respected. This might include using an intercom or speaking to a person through the door and allowing him to see you through a peephole in the door.—See km 11/85 pp. 4-5 pars. 23, 24, 31.
5 We should be cautious, reasonable, and discreet at all times. There may be areas in our territory that are considered more dangerous than others. We would be wise to take the needed precautions when working such areas.—Jas. 3:17; see km 4/85 p. 8.
6 There are a number of reasons why evening witnessing could be effective in your congregation. A more thorough witness can be given because more people are reached in the house-to-house ministry. Many householders who are not at home during the daytime or on weekends may likely be reached when the territory is worked in the evening. Some of the publishers who have difficulty getting out in service on weekends may be able to spend an hour or two each week in evening house-to-house work. Regular and auxiliary pioneers can have more opportunities to work in the field service with congregation publishers. Some have arranged to conduct a home Bible study in the evening, following an hour or so in the house-to-house ministry.
7 Long summer evenings are particularly appropriate for various forms of field service and especially for making house-to-house calls. However, evening witnessing need not be limited to daylight hours during summer months. Discreetly calling at homes during early evening hours the year round has proved to be beneficial in carrying out our commission to preach the Kingdom good news.
8 Does your congregation have group arrangements for evening witnessing? Have you participated in this service activity? Forethought and preparation are needed. But many blessings are to be enjoyed by those who take advantage of all opportunities available to accomplish our ministry of the good news.—2 Tim. 4:5.