Set Goals to Help Keep Your Faith Strong
1 Strong faith in Jehovah and in his Kingdom rule by Christ Jesus is necessary if we are to be pleasing to God. (Heb. 11:6) It makes possible a good relationship with him, and it sustains the hope of everlasting life. But as the apostle Paul explained, “faith is not a possession of all people.” Since we know that without faith it is impossible to be well pleasing to God and that lives are at stake, there are good reasons for us to maintain a strong faith as we face “the conclusion of the system of things.”—2 Thess. 3:2; Matt. 24:3, 36.
2 What might help us to keep our faith strong during the new service year? Theocratic goals can help toward that end. When reasonable goals are set in connection with the field ministry and in other areas of life, much can be accomplished to our own benefit and to the glory of our heavenly Father.
3 Our individual accomplishments in the ministry may vary greatly. Yet, earnest service, even though limited by circumstances beyond our control, is pleasing to Jehovah. This was illustrated by a certain needy widow’s whole-souled contribution of two small coins. (Luke 21:1-4) Still, there may be ways each one can progress in the ministry during the new service year. For example, some may be able to spend more time in the ministry each month. Could you arrange a schedule that would allow you to auxiliary pioneer a month or more at some time during the year? Or could you perhaps work toward becoming a regular pioneer? Definite plans made now may help you to achieve such a goal.
4 Another important goal is to gain more from personal study. In order to accomplish this, you could arrange to read through the Bible by a certain time. You could set aside a specific time each week for personal study and then stick to your schedule. To help you absorb the material more fully and make it your own, use it in the field service, discuss it with others, or make personal application in other ways.
5 A goal young ones should consider for the coming school year is to give an effective witness to teachers and classmates. Speaking of the School brochure, one young Witness said: “It has made it a lot easier for us to talk to teachers and fellow students about our beliefs.” Have you tried using this same method? You may have to muster courage, but you can be confident Jehovah will bless your efforts.
6 You young ones, make it a goal not to let unwholesome influences such as bad association, drugs, and immorality adversely affect you during the months ahead! Review the material in the August issue of Our Kingdom Ministry on using the School brochure, and let this help you through the tests of integrity you may face while at school.
7 There may be various aspects of your life and ministry that you would like to improve. Reaching goals set for yourself and your family will require a measure of sacrifice. But when you consider that the things of this world are “passing away,” you will want to make every effort to gain God’s approval. (1 John 2:17) So as you reflect on the past service year and look ahead to the new one now beginning, be determined to keep your own faith and that of your family strong. Set goals for yourself, and strive diligently to reach them.