Imitating Jehovah by Exercising Justice
1 “The Rock, perfect is his activity, for all his ways are justice. . . . Righteous and upright is he.” (Deut. 32:4) These words of an ancient song highlight one of Jehovah’s cardinal attributes, that of justice. Having made us in his image and likeness, Jehovah rightfully expects us to ‘exercise justice in walking with our God.’—Mic. 6:8; Gen. 1:26.
2 Our efforts to imitate Jehovah will be clearly manifest at all 119 “Divine Justice” District Conventions scheduled for the United States branch. (Eph. 5:1) Thousands of our brothers have been enthusiastically involved in making the necessary preparations, and it is with much anticipation that all of us look forward to this summer’s “Divine Justice” conventions. Have you made definite arrangements to be present at every session?
3 From Thursday through Sunday, a generous portion of spiritual food highlighting the need to uphold divine justice will be served by means of Bible lectures, demonstrations, interviews, and dramas. An outstanding feature of the conventions this year will be the arrangement for a number of cities to be tied in to a key city by telephone for special talks. During each of the six successive weeks that conventions are scheduled, there will be parts of the program originating from key cities. So no matter which convention your congregation has been assigned to attend, you will be able to benefit from the information presented by the Society’s representatives.
4 Additionally, the program will include experiences and information about the activities of brothers and sisters who are serving in the missionary work. Some of these missionaries might attend your convention and may be on the program. Their example of standing firm for divine justice, often in the midst of very difficult circumstances, can incite us to live and act in harmony with divine justice in all our dealings.
5 Have you personally invited your Bible students to attend the district convention? Would it not be a cause for joy if all the interested persons who were present at the Memorial celebration this year were also in attendance at the district convention? They could observe firsthand the happiness of Jehovah’s people and receive information to convince them of Jehovah’s ability and intention to put an end to all injustice. This convention could bring about a turning point in their life, motivating them to take a definite stand for the God of justice.
6 Even though we will be attending a convention and many will be taking a vacation during these two summer months, we will want to maintain a good schedule for field service, directing interested persons to the Kingdom hope. During the months of June and July, we will be offering either one or both of the books Happiness—How to Find It and Survival Into a New Earth for the contribution of $1.00 each. Before leaving for the convention or for your vacation, make plans to give a witness while traveling. Look for opportunities to talk to others while at motels or restaurants, or on other appropriate occasions.
7 May we fully immerse ourselves in theocratic activity this summer. As we assemble together for the “Divine Justice” District Conventions and as we participate in the field ministry, we will want to manifest our love for justice, imitating our God, Jehovah, “a lover of justice.”—Ps. 37:28.