Presenting the Good News—By Using the Reasoning Book to the Full
1 “How I wish I had my Reasoning book!” Has this thought crossed your mind while endeavoring to respond to a Scriptural question encountered in the field ministry or while witnessing informally at work or school? Those who have become familiar with the features of the Reasoning book and who carry it with them have found that they can count on it for help at the right time. What about you?
2 Since the Reasoning book was released in 1985, almost every issue of Our Kingdom Ministry has provided excellent suggestions on its use. Can you recall some of the settings in past Service Meeting parts that highlighted the versatility and value of the Reasoning book? There have been demonstrations showing how it may be used by parents to help their family prepare for field service, an elder assisting a youth who may be attracted to the world, and stronger publishers assisting those who are in need of encouragement. (km 6/86 p. 2; km 7/86 p. 2) One article encouraged young ones to use the Reasoning book in preparing spiritually for school. (km 8/87 p. 2) Other articles have given practical suggestions on how to use it in each feature of our field ministry and how to adapt its use to varying circumstances, such as when working territories with high-security buildings.—km 4/86 p. 3; km 12/87 p. 8.
3 If we are to use the Reasoning book effectively, we must first become familiar with its contents. Then we must put forth the effort to use its suggestions. Have you tried adapting a suggested introduction to the current Topic for Conversation? If you use the second suggestion listed under “Kingdom” on page 12 of the Reasoning book and make brief reference to Revelation 21:3-5, you could then logically bring up the subject of our current Topic for Conversation, “Whom Shall We Worship?”
4 By using material from the section on “Conversation Stoppers,” we can be more successful in overcoming initial objections. Why not give thought to how you might respond to a potential conversation stopper. For example, when a person says “I’m not interested,” you could use the fourth suggestion on page 16, refer to Revelation 14:7, and then point out that this scripture awakened you to the need to identify and worship the true God. Try it. Others have had good success using expressions such as these.
5 Indeed, many are the blessings that can come from using the Reasoning book. If we set aside time to prepare fresh approaches and introductions that will appeal to our particular audience, we will be more enthusiastic about getting out into the field, even in territory that is frequently covered. (km 3/86 p. 4) Why not take the time needed to review some of the past articles that offered suggestions on how to use the Reasoning book effectively?—km 3/87 p. 4; km 10/88 p. 8.
6 May Jehovah bless your efforts to the full as you seek to open up to others “the magnificent things of God”! (Acts 2:11) Then they may join in saying to Jehovah, as did the psalmist David: “To me how precious your thoughts are!”—Ps. 139:17.