Theocratic News
◆ At the 133 “Godly Devotion” District Conventions held in the United States branch territory, there was a peak attendance of 1,366,700 and 18,011 were baptized.
◆ American Samoa had a new peak of 155 publishers in June, a 35-percent increase.
◆ Antigua had a new peak of 238 publishers in June.
◆ The three district conventions in the Bahamas were attended by 2,448, with 48 baptized.
◆ Cyprus reported their sixth consecutive peak, with 1,213 reporting in June.
◆ Dominican Republic had a new peak of 11,605 publishers in June, a 10-percent increase. They also had a new peak of 22,096 Bible studies.
◆ Fiji had their 54th consecutive peak, with 1,454 publishers reporting in June. Their Bible studies increased to 2,403, the 25th consecutive peak.
◆ Tahiti had an 18-percent increase in June, reaching 1,005 publishers, their 20th consecutive peak.
◆ Vanuatu had a peak of 113 publishers in June, a 35-percent increase.
◆ Western Samoa had a new peak of 198 publishers in June, a 24-percent increase.