Presenting the Good News—By Helping One Another Start Bible Studies
1 All who love Jehovah want to be productive in their ministry. Jesus commissioned us to “make disciples . . . , teaching them to observe all the things I have commanded you.” (Matt. 28:19, 20) If you desire to start a Bible study, seek Jehovah’s direction and take advantage of the practical help and suggestions provided through the congregation.—Matt. 7:7, 8.
2 Your Congregation Book Study conductor takes a special interest in the Bible study work in your group. Approach him and express your desire to conduct a Bible study. He may be able to arrange for an experienced publisher to work with you for a time. The objective should be (1) to enable you to start and then conduct a progressive Bible study and (2) to start other studies in the future.
3 In many cases, our not having a Bible study may be due to our not calling back soon enough on placements or where interest is shown. Therefore, make it a point to call back as soon as possible. Of course, you will need to keep a good record of the interest. Perhaps the publisher assisting you can show you how this is done. The two of you together will want to prepare for making these return visits with the purpose of starting Bible studies. Practice sessions will give you a better idea of how to rekindle the interest when calling back.
4 Observe what your service companion does when he takes the lead at a call. Note how he engages the householder in conversation. Ask yourself how you could do the same. Does he draw the householder out by the use of leading questions or by asking for a comment on an appropriate scripture? After the call, review what you have learned. Then endeavor to apply these things on future return visits.
5 Once a Bible study has been started, plan ways that you can both share in it. You might read selected key scriptures and help the householder understand them. After leaving the study, ask your partner for helpful suggestions, such as when to ask auxiliary questions, how to whet the student’s appetite for the next study, and how to direct interest to the organization.
6 When new congregations are formed or there are territory adjustments, there may be a need to transfer a Bible study you have started to another publisher. You can arrange for a capable publisher from the other congregation to go with you on the study. After a few weeks have passed, that publisher can begin conducting it. Realizing that turning over a study is just another part of the disciple-making work will move you to do what is best for the student.—Phil. 2:4.
7 Jehovah is indeed fulfilling his promise to “rock all the nations” and is filling his house with the desirable things. (Hag. 2:7) What a marvelous privilege we have to help others come to know and love Jehovah! By helping one another through the Congregation Book Study arrangement, it may be that many more of us will have the pleasure of conducting a regular home Bible study.