Meetings to Help Us Make Disciples
NOTE: Our Kingdom Ministry will schedule a Service Meeting for each week during the summer. Congregations may make adjustments as needed to allow for attending the district convention and then for a 30-minute review of the program highlights at the Service Meeting the following week. The day-by-day review may be assigned in advance to two or three qualified brothers who will be able to focus on key points. This well-prepared review will help the brothers remember key points for personal application and use in the field. Experiences used and comments from the audience should be brief and to the point.
10 min: Local announcements and appropriate Announcements from Our Kingdom Ministry. Include field service arrangements for weekend. Demonstrate use of Topic for Conversation in presenting literature offer for the month.
20 min: “Become Skillful in Your Ministry.” Question-and-answer discussion of article. When considering paragraphs 5 and 6, demonstrate use of suggestions found in the July 15, 1988, Watchtower and the Reasoning book. Also, have publishers relate good results obtained locally by applying suggestions received through Jehovah’s organization.
15 min: “How to Help Depressed Ones Regain Joy.” Talk based on article in the March 15, 1990, Watchtower, pages 26-30.
Song 178 and concluding prayer.
5 min: Local announcements, accounts report, and donation acknowledgments.
10 min: Question Box. Talk by elder.
15 min: “Seize Opportunities to Witness During Summer.” Question-and-answer coverage of article.
15 min: How to Start Bible Studies. Interview two or three publishers who have been successful in starting studies. What have they found to be effective? How do they keep the initial interest alive? Present brief demonstrations on how to start a Bible study on initial call and when making a return visit.
Song 143 and concluding prayer.
10 min: Local announcements. Theocratic News. Include field service arrangements for the rest of the week. As time permits, refer to talking points in current magazines.
20 min: “Satisfying Your Spiritual Need.” Question-and-answer consideration of article. Interview a family head and a single publisher on how they meet the challenge of making time to satisfy their spiritual need. Encourage brothers to examine their own arrangements and earnestly work toward making the needed improvements.
15 min: Local needs or Attitude of True Christians Toward the World and People Who Are Part of It. Talk by elder based on Reasoning book, pages 437-8.
Song 177 and concluding prayer.
10 min: Local announcements. Relate one or two field experiences had by publishers using the Survival book. Announce titles of brochures available in congregation for use in field service during July. Demonstrate how a brochure may be used in local territory. Encourage publishers to share in field service this weekend.
15 min: “Presenting the Good News—As a Family.” A question-and-answer coverage of material. Ask only one or two questions on each paragraph so that paragraphs may be read.
20 min: “Help at the Right Time.” Service overseer discusses information with audience. Highlight benefits of arrangement for service overseer to visit Congregation Book Study groups. Encourage all to make special effort to share in week’s activity during visit of service overseer.
Song 214 and concluding prayer.