Be Zealous in Spreading the Kingdom Message
1 Jehovah is a God of fine works, and he is zealous in getting them accomplished. Everything he does is for the good of those serving him. Jesus set a fine example in imitating his Father’s zeal. On one occasion, zeal for Jehovah’s house motivated him to rid the temple of those who were turning it into a house of merchandise. (John 2:14-17) We too must demonstrate zeal in our service to Jehovah God if we want to be identified as a people “zealous for fine works.”—Titus 2:14.
2 The fine works of Christians benefit others. The most beneficial thing we can do for another person is to help him to know and serve Jehovah. (John 17:3) We extend such help through our zealous Kingdom-preaching and disciple-making work.
3 What is zeal? Zeal is ardor. Christian zeal stems from an earnest desire to do what is right and proper. The Greek word for “zeal” means “to boil.” As ministers of God, we should express this quality as we spread the Kingdom message. Are we zealous in the ministry? Are we doing all we can to help others learn about Jehovah’s purposes?
4 During the month of August, we will again have the privilege of offering any of the 32-page brochures except School and Jehovah’s Witnesses. We may offer Enjoy Life on Earth Forever!, “Look! I Am Making All Things New,” Should You Believe in the Trinity?, The Divine Name That Will Endure Forever, or The Government That Will Bring Paradise. Prepare to offer whichever brochure seems to be most appropriate for the territory as well as the person that you meet at the door.
5 To be zealous in spreading the Kingdom message, we need to be well prepared. Are we familiar with the current Topic for Conversation? How can we tie in the Topic for Conversation with the brochure we are offering? What specific points in the brochures could we mention? If we take the time to become familiar with the five brochures and build up in our own minds enthusiasm for them, we will be equipped to present them with zeal to those in our territory.
6 After introducing yourself, you might say: “Have you ever wondered whether God is concerned about the wickedness in the world today? [Allow for response.] The Bible explains that soon wicked ones will be annihilated. [Read Psalm 92:7.] Since this is the case, to whom can we turn for true guidance and protection? [Read Psalm 145:20.] So our only means of salvation is through a relationship with our Creator, Jehovah God. We need to consider the blessings that he promises for all obedient mankind.” Then you can turn to picture 49 in the Life on Earth brochure and read the caption, highlighting the blessings illustrated. Or turn to page 29 in the Government brochure, and discuss the blessings explained there. Some may wish to use paragraphs 49 and 50 in the “Look!” brochure to explain what God’s Kingdom will do for mankind.
7 Since these are critical times, the message we bear is urgent. There is a need for us to be zealous in spreading the Kingdom message, encouraging others to become acquainted with God and his Word. By zealously spreading this life-giving knowledge, we give evidence of our godly devotion and our love for Jehovah. Ask yourself: ‘Am I zealous for fine works? Can my support of the preaching activity be described as ardent and whole-souled?’ Our answers will tell us much about the quality of our zeal. The more we share in spreading the Kingdom message, the greater our zeal will be. Others will see that we truly are a people zealous for fine works.