Presenting the Good News—With Tracts and Handbills
1 Are you using tracts and handbills in your ministry? Many are. In Brooklyn alone, over 122 million Peaceful New World tracts have been printed, as well as about 250 million copies of three other tracts, Why You Can Trust the Bible, What Do Jehovah’s Witnesses Believe? and What Hope for Dead Loved Ones? Over 12 million handbills are also mailed to congregations in the United States each year.
2 We should never underestimate the power of God’s Word as explained in these brief messages. (Heb. 4:12; compare Zechariah 4:10; James 3:4, 5.) A Witness from Arizona wrote: “I read many tracts from the Watch Tower Society, and I eventually learned the truth.” He explained: “In this hurry-up world, people often do not want to take much time to read, but the tracts are just long enough to have an important message but not so long as to turn people away before they even look at it.”
3 Some publishers find that giving a tract or handbill is an effective way to begin conversations. By offering one, a householder who is hesitant to open the door may be induced to do so. Showing the meeting schedule outlined on the handbill can open the way to a discussion of our work and purpose.
4 If a householder is obviously busy or distressed, a tract may be just what is needed. One woman was so consoled by the tract on the hope for the dead that she wrote the Society for more information. When nobody is at home, a tract may be left for the householder where it cannot be seen by passersby.
5 Returning where a measure of interest was shown previously, one might say: “Hello, [give name]. I really am glad to find you at home. When we first met, I was impressed by your taking time to talk about the Bible. I have some additional information that I think might interest you. It’s found in this tract, Life in a Peaceful New World. If you recall, previously we talked about the Bible’s promise of true and lasting peace for mankind. However, since many think only of heaven when they read these promises, notice that Psalm 37:29 indicates these blessings will take place here on earth. [Read scripture, showing householder where it is in the tract.] Doesn’t that sound interesting? [Discuss several paragraphs.] There are more encouraging scriptures in this tract, and you will find them equally enjoyable. The next time I come, perhaps we can read some of them together just as we have today.”
6 Truly, our tracts and handbills are gifts from Jehovah. May we skillfully use these valuable aids as we carry out an effective ministry to his praise and our eternal blessing.—Prov. 22:29.