Be Whole-Souled in the Field Ministry
Part 4—Organized to Accomplish Our Ministry Effectively
1 A whole-souled public ministry requires good personal organization. Jesus set an outstanding pattern for our ministerial activity today. (Luke 10:1, 2; Acts 1:8) We can learn also from the way in which his first-century disciples fulfilled their ministry. (Acts 5:42; 2 Tim. 4:5) But how might you become better organized and enjoy similar good results today?
2 Schedule Time for Field Service: Our ministry is not a casual or incidental aspect of our life. The amount of time we devote to fulfilling our ministry cannot be left to chance. To organize our ministry effectively, we must set aside time for its various features. (Eph. 5:15, 16) Many publishers find it helpful to set a goal as to how many hours they will devote to the ministry each month. This usually requires arranging their affairs to participate in the field service each week. Christian parents should help their children to schedule time for regular participation in various features of the field ministry.—Deut. 6:7; Prov. 22:6.
3 Set Purposeful Goals: Realistic goals will give you something toward which to aim. When your goal is realized, you will experience the joy of accomplishment. (Prov. 13:12) The apostle Paul exhorted: “At any rate, to what extent we have made progress, let us go on walking orderly in this same routine.” (Phil. 3:16) As with all aspects of your spiritual progress, your field activity should give evidence of an orderly routine.
4 For example, do you have an ample supply of tracts and handbills? Do you keep a sufficient supply of current magazines on hand, and are they in good condition? Do you make good use of house-to-house records, using one to record interest and another for those not at home?
5 Prior to sharing in the ministry, take time to review the current Topic for Conversation. Isolate talking points from the publication being offered, and be prepared to use these effectively to stimulate interest. Also, be ready to use the field service handbook Reasoning From the Scriptures. Even between calls, you can make quick reference to some of its many suggestions. Applying these practical points will improve the effectiveness of your ministry.
6 Having a full share in “the holy work of the good news” during these last days is a blessed privilege. (Rom. 15:16) We should strive to accomplish our ministry by giving the best possible witness, “the fruit of lips.” (Heb. 13:15; compare Hosea 14:2.) To do this, let us schedule time for a regular share in the field service and establish reasonable goals that will enable us to accomplish our ministry to Jehovah’s praise.