Service Meetings for October
Week Starting September 30
10 min: Local announcements and appropriate Announcements from Our Kingdom Ministry.
20 min: “Appreciating the Significance of Current Events.” Questions and answers. After considering paragraph 6, present a demonstration using new Topic for Conversation. Feature specific subject from current Awake! magazine.
15 min: How the Awake! magazine has personally benefited us. Qualified brother interviews three or four publishers. Include at least one youth of school age.
Song 174 and concluding prayer.
Week Starting October 7
5 min: Local announcements.
15 min: “Be Whole-Souled in the Field Ministry—Part 4.” Talk. Encourage family heads to assist all in household to be organized and to establish reasonable service goals.
15 min: “Presenting the Good News—By Using Publications Wisely.” Questions and answers. Apply information locally.
10 min: “Why Be Clothed With Humility?” Encouraging talk based on article in July 15, 1991, Watchtower, pages 27-30.
Song 92 and concluding prayer.
Week Starting October 14
10 min: Local announcements, Theocratic News, accounts report, and donation acknowledgments. Inform congregation of field service report for September.
12 min: Value of School and Jehovah’s Witnesses brochure. Talk, preferably by an elder who is a parent. Highlight value of brochure to acquaint school authorities with the beliefs of Jehovah’s Witnesses and to assist both Christian parents and youths with matters involving school activities. Printed information should be reviewed periodically with youths. When problems or questions arise, refer to brochure for direction. Draw attention to specific information outlined under “Sound Moral Principles” and “Holidays and Celebrations.” (Pp. 9-11, 17-21) In conclusion, highlight need for parents to take an interest in their children’s schooling and cooperate with school administration.—Pp. 30-1.
15 min: “Christian Youths—Be Firm in Faith.” Discussion by family, based on article in July 15, 1991, Watchtower, pages 23-6. Father takes lead in discussion, involving wife and children. Isolate ways youths can successfully face various tests of faith at school.
8 min: Consideration of Question Box. Talk. Read and discuss information as time allows.
Song 183 and concluding prayer.
Week Starting October 21
10 min: Local announcements. Briefly mention talking points from magazines that may be used in witnessing this week.
20 min: “Congregation Book Study Arrangement—Part 4.” Questions and answers. Highlight need for all to take personal interest in each one in the book study group.
15 min: “Building Christian Personalities in Our Children.” Discussion by two brothers of article from July 1, 1991, Watchtower, pages 24-7. Highlight need for concentrated effort on the part of parents. Apply material to the local needs of the congregation.
Song 116 and concluding prayer.
Week Starting October 28
10 min: Local announcements. Briefly consider offer for month of November.
20 min: Searching Out and Teaching Deserving Ones. Talk and interviews. Highlight Matthew 10:11. Finding people at home is an increasing problem and can have a definite effect on our productiveness and joy. What can be done? (km 6/85 p. 4) Approach people in their yards. Keep record of those not at home and call back promptly. Some have had excellent success finding such persons home in the evenings, so participate in evening witnessing. (km 6/87 p. 4) Street witnessing can be effective. When interested persons are met on street, obtain name and address. Make arrangements to call at their homes. (Briefly interview two or three publishers and/or pioneers who have had success in evening or street witnessing.) Satan will use every means possible to keep us from finding deserving ones. We must search for them. The “sheep” belong to Jesus Christ. He has commanded us to find and feed them. (John 21:15-17) This helps us to appreciate need to reach the occupants of every home if possible.
15 min: Benefiting From the Life Stories of Jehovah’s Witnesses. Discussion by two brothers. Periodically, the life stories of modern-day servants of God appear in The Watchtower and Awake! They are listed in Watch Tower Publications Index by both name and title of article. (Illustrate how to find specific articles.) It is important that we carefully read these articles and draw strength and encouragement from them. Use information to encourage our brothers and Bible students. Briefly review article “What a Joy to Sit at Jehovah’s Table!” from The Watchtower, August 1, 1991, pages 25-9. Highlight specific points from article that help us (a) in our field ministry, (b) to endure trials, (c) to appreciate Jehovah and his organization better, and (d) to appreciate the worldwide brotherhood. We greatly benefit from being “imitators of those who through faith and patience inherit the promises.”—Heb. 6:11, 12.
Song 18 and concluding prayer.