Service Meetings for February
Week Starting February 3
10 min: Local announcements and selected Announcements from Our Kingdom Ministry. Feature magazine presentations based on current issues.
20 min: “Prepare Your Presentation for February.” (10 min.) Questions and answers. (8 min.) Well-prepared demonstrations of two or three of the suggested presentations that are most appropriate for local territory. (2 min.) Encourage all to learn and use one or more of the suggested presentations.
15 min: “Adam and Eve,” Reasoning book, pages 27-9. (5 min.) Introductory talk based on material under subheading “Were Adam and Eve merely allegorical (fictional) persons?” (6 min.) Demonstration of a return visit being made on a person with whom publisher left question “Was Adam’s sin God’s will, God’s plan?” (4 min.) Encourage use of “If Someone Says—” section of Reasoning book articles for topics to discuss on return visits.
Song 30 and concluding prayer.
Week Starting February 10
10 min: Local announcements, including service arrangements for the week and for special activity on February 17 where this is a holiday. Encourage extra effort to make return visits this month. This Service Meeting will explain and demonstrate four practical presentations for use in calling back on interested people. Select one or more to use this week.
20 min: “Starting the Conversation When You Return.” (3 min.) Introductory talk covering points in paragraphs 1 and 2. (15 min.) Well-prepared demonstrations of each of the three presentations in paragraphs 3-5. As time allows, after each demonstration, comments can be made on practicality of presentations. (2 min.) Drawing on thoughts in paragraph 6, give encouragement for all to prepare and use at least one of the suggested presentations for starting conversations with those who showed interest.
15 min: “Are You Able to Auxiliary Pioneer?” Discussion by elder and several publishers who have auxiliary pioneered in past and who plan to enroll again in March and April. In covering points in article, publishers explain why they want to auxiliary pioneer. They relate blessings experienced and explain adjustments they had to make to reach hour requirement. Discussion emphasizes joys of auxiliary pioneering and encourages all to consider this service privilege if their personal circumstances permit.
Song 114 and concluding prayer.
Week Starting February 17
10 min: Local announcements, accounts report, and Society donation acknowledgments. Commend brothers for their financial support of Kingdom interests. Encourage publishers to share in field service this weekend.
20 min: “Be Sure to Call Back.” Questions and answers and demonstrations. After considering paragraph 5, demonstrate return visit on person with whom tract was left. Discussion leads into Bible study in Live Forever book. After considering paragraph 6, demonstrate return visit on person who refused literature previously. Following demonstration, ask publisher why he decided to call back on this person.
15 min: “Joyfully Meeting the Needs of the Harvest.” Question-and-answer coverage of paragraphs 1-16. Emphasize advantages of contacting Regional Building Committee before beginning a Kingdom Hall construction project. Help all to see the need to use dedicated resources wisely by means of careful purchasing, simple design, and detailed accounting procedures.
Song 133 and concluding prayer.
Week Starting February 24
10 min: Local announcements, including field service arrangements for week. Highlight Theocratic News items.
15 min: “Showing Support for the Pioneers.” Questions and answers and interview. Emphasize blessings realized by whole congregation when pioneers are given needed support. Interview pioneers, highlighting how they have been helped in their pioneer ministry by elders and others.
20 min: “Joyfully Meeting the Needs of the Harvest.” Discussion of paragraphs 17-37 of insert by two brothers who have participated in the Kingdom Hall construction work in local region if such are present. The need for more volunteers should be highlighted along with an explanation of the procedure to be followed in completing a Kingdom Hall Construction Worker Questionnaire. Outline who qualify to submit these forms. Include positive experiences that may have been enjoyed on local projects.
Song 43 and concluding prayer.