Introductions to Stimulate Interest
1 Jesus was masterful in his use of introductions. Whether speaking to a large group or to a single individual, Jesus captured the attention of his audience by getting them personally involved. He showed his listeners the value of his subject.—Matt. 5:3-12; John 4:7-30.
2 Advance Preparation Necessary: In order to stimulate interest in our message, we need to tailor our introductions so that they involve the individual, relate to his concerns, and show that the Kingdom message will help him personally.
3 In preparing for the ministry, review the immediate concerns of people in the community. Has a recent news item captured the attention of everyone? What will be of interest to a young person? To an older one? To husbands, wives, or parents? Rather than using the same introduction at each door, it is usually more effective to prepare several different introductions and be ready to adjust them as you observe the response of householders. Some publishers have had good success in preparing and using various introductions from the Reasoning book each time they go in the house-to-house ministry. (rs pp. 9-15) This keeps their approach fresh and interesting.
4 During the month of August, you might wish to use a presentation like this:
◼ “Good morning. We have been talking with some of the neighbors about what qualities they would like to see in a person who governs others. Could I ask what one or two qualities you think are most important? [Allow response. Acknowledge points. Agree if appropriate.] Did you know that the Bible describes the qualifications of the One who has been approved to be mankind’s ruler? It is here in Isaiah 9:6, 7. [Read.] What do you think it would be like to live under such a ruler?” Allow response and then direct attention to Psalm 146:3, 4 and the material in the Reasoning book on pages 153-4 about the guaranteed quality of Jesus’ rule. Or the Live Forever book on pages 112 and 113 can be used to stimulate further discussion. If genuine interest is discerned, you may want to offer the publication.
5 If you are talking with family-oriented individuals, the following presentation may work well when featuring the Live Forever book.
After local greeting, you might say:
◼ “Have you observed that daily pressures and problems present a real challenge to families today? [Allow response.] Do you have any thoughts about where families can turn for sound advice? [Allow response.] We have been directing attention to what the Bible has to say about this subject. Note what the Originator of marriage stated to the first human pair.” Read Genesis 1:28 and then turn to page 238 in the Live Forever book and continue your discussion, using selected points from chapter 29.
6 By imitating Jesus’ methods of capturing interest and involving listeners in discussions, we show honesthearted ones the value of spiritual things.