Using the Live Forever Book on Return Visits
1 The apostle Paul knew the importance of being diligent in caring for those who showed an interest in the truth. He likened them to tender plants, which need regular watering and cultivation. (1 Cor. 3:6-9) Likewise today, interested ones need the tender care we give when we make return visits to cultivate their spiritual growth.
2 It is good to keep in mind that individuals we call on will often need reminders to help them recall the points made in our previous discussion. Therefore, on each return visit it may be advisable to review briefly what you discussed on the previous call, focusing on the points the householder especially appreciated. Involve the householder in the discussion and readily discern his interests and needs.
3 In making a return visit, whether the “Live Forever” book was placed or not, you may want to use this direct approach for starting a study:
◼ “Many people we speak to have found answers to their Bible questions with the use of this book.” Then turning to the table of contents in the Live Forever book, you could ask: “Which subject here interests you the most?” Turn to the chapter in which he expressed interest and show the householder how the numbered paragraphs are coordinated with the questions at the bottom of each page so that he can grasp the most significant points from each paragraph. Cover just a few points and make definite arrangements to call again.
4 Another approach could be:
◼ “I really enjoyed our discussion last week. Many people have expressed concern as to why we keep calling at their homes. I thought the comment made on page 29 of this book, You Can Live Forever in Paradise on Earth, would be of interest to you. [Read paragraph 11.] Based on what we read here, what would you say is required if our worship is to be acceptable to God? [Allow response and then commend the householder.] Back in Jesus’ day, there were those who thought their religion was acceptable to God. Notice what was stated about them in paragraph 2 of this chapter.” Read and comment on statements.
5 Following up a previous visit where the “Live Forever” book was placed, you could say:
◼ “The last time I visited, we discussed world conditions that need changing. Have you ever wondered why God permits wickedness?” Allow response and turn to page 99, paragraph 2, noting the study questions. Read and discuss this paragraph, looking up the scriptures. You could add to the discussion by turning to selected illustrations in the book, for example, pages 78, 84-5, 119, 147, 149-53, and 156-8.
6 Where a Tract Was Left: Sometimes a tract is left on the initial call. In making return visits, you could discuss one or two paragraphs from the tract along with the scriptures cited. Then show how one of the scriptures cited in the tract is discussed in greater detail in the Live Forever book. If the individual manifests interest, you may want to offer the Live Forever book and make arrangements to continue the discussion on your next visit.
7 As we faithfully care for watering the tender plants of Christian faith in our care, God will make it grow to his own praise and glory.—1 Cor. 3:7.