Praise the God of Creation
1 Beautiful landscapes, colorful sunsets, starry night skies, melodious songs of birds—to whom do you give credit for these delightful things? Yes, we are moved to praise the God of creation. We wholeheartedly agree with the declaration at Revelation 4:11. By reason of his creating all things, Jehovah God deserves our praise.
2 Despite the evidence of God’s creative works, men have promoted the concept that life came about by accident or through blind evolution. This monumental lie has degraded and demoralized men, and it is a blasphemous reproach on our Grand Creator.—Eccl. 12:1; Rom. 1:20, 25.
3 In September, as loyal servants of Jehovah, we have the opportunity to present the truth about our Creator and his wonderful works. The book Life—How Did It Get Here? By Evolution or by Creation? will be offered to all who manifest genuine interest in learning the facts regarding the origin and purpose of life. This publication equips us to make a bold defense of the truth concerning the origin of life.
4 Special Territories: Besides witnessing from house to house, we can put forth special effort to speak with persons who have a particular interest in the subject of evolution or creation, contacting them either at their place of work or at school. For example, young Witnesses have had fine success in placing the Creation book when they have shown it to their schoolteachers. One Witness youth gave her teacher a Creation book and was surprised to note that the teacher not only studied it thoroughly but even began using it as a basis for teaching the class. (w90 9/1 p. 32; w86 10/1 p. 32) Why not approach each of your teachers and classmates who you feel would enjoy reading this fine publication.
5 A special effort can be directed toward reaching college students and educators who live or work in your territory. Professional people such as lawyers and doctors have appreciated the depth of research and the documentation found in the Creation book. (yb87 p. 54) Those you approach also may wish to have this beautifully illustrated publication as a reference work.
6 Wisely, we will not offer the Creation book to everyone we meet because many people simply have no interest in the subject. But as you discuss one or more specific points from the book that are educational and that build faith in a Creator, you will find rightly disposed persons who may want to learn more. It is to such ones that we want to offer the Creation book.
7 May this fine instrument not only help many more see how absurd the theory of evolution is but also help them to build appreciation for the gift of life. This book will stimulate in them a desire to live forever to the glory of the Giver of life and “the Maker of heaven and earth.”—Ps. 146:6.