Develop a Motivating Introduction
1 Both The Watchtower and Awake! are useful in planting seeds of truth in the minds and hearts of readers. Therefore, we want to develop effective ways to get these magazines into the homes of people who can benefit from the spiritual gems they contain.
2 How can householders be motivated to accept and read our magazines? Much depends on how we introduce them. Excellent suggestions for preparing effective introductions are found in the Reasoning book, pages 9-15.
3 When presenting the October 1 Watchtower, you might try using the third suggestion under the heading “Current Events” on pages 10-11 of the Reasoning book.
After introducing yourself, you could say:
◼ “If you could choose, which of the many problems now facing the world would you like to see corrected first?” Listen to the householder’s response, and acknowledge his concern. Then you could continue, saying something like: “Consider what the Bible offers as a solution to such problems. [Read Isaiah 9:6, 7.] So the real solution to all mankind’s problems lies in the just rule of the Messiah, Jesus Christ.” Then turn to page 8 and direct attention to the last three paragraphs of the article entitled “The Messiah—A Real Hope?”
4 Two other introductions you could use with the October 1 Watchtower are found on page 11 of the Reasoning book, under the heading “Employment/Housing.” You can express these thoughts and questions in your own words or just repeat what is said in the Reasoning book. After acknowledging the person’s response, continue by sharing the interesting observation made in the first paragraph on page 4 under the subheading “No Solution?” Then by reading Isaiah 65:21-23, point out the blessings the Messiah’s rule will bring.
5 If you are using the October 8 Awake! on “You Can Overcome Negative Emotions,” you might try the third introduction under the heading “Life/Happiness” on page 13 of the Reasoning book. After tying in Psalm 1:1, 2, you could call attention to an appropriate point in the Awake! magazine.
6 Likely you will encounter householders who say they have their own religious literature. You can explain that we also have publications for our own use (such as Our Kingdom Ministry); however, our journals are read by millions of people who are not Jehovah’s Witnesses. Be sure there is genuine interest before offering a subscription. A tract may suffice if the interest is minimal.
7 Paul said at 1 Corinthians 3:6: “I planted, Apollos watered, but God kept making it grow.” If we want Jehovah to make the seeds of truth grow in the hearts of interested ones, we should give attention to planting these seeds effectively by using motivating introductions.