Show Concern for Interested Ones
1 Above all others, Jehovah has been generous in showing concern for people. Not only has he provided material things in abundance but he has given us the spiritual things we need and enjoy. He is so concerned about us that he even examines what is in our hearts.—Ps. 139:23.
2 When Jesus was on earth, he followed his Father’s pattern perfectly in showing concern for others. Remember the man who said to Jesus, “Lord, if you just want to, you can make me clean”? Jesus responded, “I want to.” (Matt. 8:1-3) When Jesus saw a widow in grief, what did he do? He stopped to help her. (Luke 7:11-15) Could you be more alert to show concern for interested ones?
3 In imitation of our Father, Jehovah, and his Son, Christ Jesus, we too must show a personal interest in others. We do this by keeping an accurate house-to-house record. This involves writing down the name and exact address of the interested person along with the subject that was discussed on the initial call. Then, before making the return visit, prepare well. If we left magazines on the previous call, perhaps our return visit can be based on a particular thought expressed in one of the articles. Note how this may be done.
4 If you left the October 1, 1992, Watchtower and focused on the article “Does Mankind Really Need a Messiah?,” you might prepare to highlight Revelation 21:4 and John 17:3 on your return visit.
For example, after reading Revelation 21:4, you might ask:
◼ “How can we be a part of such a world? [Allow response.] Listen to what the Messiah said was needed in order to gain life in a world like this.” Then read John 17:3, highlighting that everlasting life in a peaceful new world can be gained by taking in knowledge of God and Christ. If there is some interest, try to start a study in the tract Life in a Peaceful New World.
5 You may get good response by discussing a selected point from the October 8, 1992, Awake! on “You Can Overcome Negative Emotions.” When making a return visit, you might base your discussion on Philippians 4:6, 7.
You might ask:
◼ “What do you believe is the solution to overcoming negative emotions today?” Acknowledge the response and then say: “Interestingly, the Bible outlines principles that, when applied, contribute to peace of mind and heart. [Draw attention to appropriate points from Philippians 4:6, 7.] The Bible points to a time when all will live by Bible principles and there will be no circumstances that bring about negative emotions.” Then highlight other future blessings by considering the tract Life in a Peaceful New World, and lead into a study.
6 What if the householder already has one of our publications? Why not use it to start a study? If it is the Live Forever book, turn to the table of contents and ask the householder to select a subject he would like to discuss. You may then start a study by considering a paragraph or two.
7 Showing concern for interested ones by preparing well and making effective return visits demonstrates that we are imitators of God and Christ, wanting as many as possible to be saved.—2 Pet. 3:9.