The Power of God’s Word
1 The Word of God is powerful. (Heb. 4:12) Today, evidence of this can be seen in the millions of lives that have been changed for the better as people have made personal application of the things they learn from the Bible. The same was true in the first century when the disciples of Jesus shared the knowledge of God’s Word with others.—Rom. 12:2.
2 In order for people to benefit from the Bible’s teachings, they need to recognize the Bible as the Word of God. (1 Thess. 2:13) During November we will be giving people the opportunity to learn more about the value of the Bible as we make the New World Translation of the Holy Scriptures and the book The Bible—God’s Word or Man’s? available to those who are genuinely interested.
3 Why not review some of the interesting features of the God’s Word book? The table of contents will lead you to chapters that discuss miracles, supposed contradictions, scientific harmony, prophecies, and other subjects. There are many photographs and illustrations. Scholarly references are listed in the back of the book. These features will enable us to present the book with genuine enthusiasm, firmly convinced that people in our territory need to hear the good news it contains.
4 How can we use this book when we encounter a householder who already believes that the Bible is God’s Word? Interest may be cultivated by highlighting either chapter 2, which relates the historical account of the Bible’s fight to live, or chapter 14, which encourages the reader to accept help in order to have a better understanding of the meaning of the Bible for us today. Reading the scriptures noted in chapter 14 will assure the householder that your discussion is Bible-based.
5 Many refuse to accept the Bible as the word of God because of the conduct of Christendom. Chapter 3, “The Bible’s False Friend,” can be used effectively in this situation.
6 When we read from our Bible, the householder may comment on the clarity of language used in the New World Translation. Or we may find that the householder shows interest in our message but does not have a Bible. In these cases we may describe the unique features of the Bible we use and the reasons why we prefer it to others. Among other things, we could point to the list “Bible Words Indexed” that helps to locate familiar scriptures. Also, the feature “Bible Topics for Discussion” at the back of the Bible can help interested ones find answers to many commonly asked questions.
7 By means of the Bible, Jehovah has made known his dealings with mankind and has thus acquainted us with his marvelous personality. May we use the New World Translation and the God’s Word book effectively in helping others to learn about Jehovah and the power of his Word!—2 Cor. 10:4.