Declare the Thrilling Message in Revelation
1 The Revelation Climax book has helped us to understand the thrilling message recorded in the book of Revelation. Help others appreciate how that message affects them by featuring this book in the ministry during March. You may find the following suggestions helpful in preparing your presentation.
2 After an appropriate greeting, you might say something like this:
◼ “Have you ever heard of the four horsemen of the Apocalypse? [Allow for reply.] Different explanations as to what these horsemen represent have been given. But did you know that their symbolic ride is actually part of a Bible prophecy foretelling events that have occurred in our time and that all of us are involved in one way or another? [Allow for reply.] Would you be interested in understanding this prophecy and what its fulfillment means to us?” If genuine interest is shown, you could point to the illustrations in chapter 16 of the Revelation Climax book and tie in some of the verses in bold type. Or you could comment on some aspect of the vision by using the tract Will This World Survive? If interest is shown, offer the book, or arrange to return to discuss more about the vision and its meaning.
3 Or perhaps you would like to try an approach like this:
◼ “Have you ever heard the term ‘Armageddon’? [Allow for reply.] Many have thought that it refers to a devastating nuclear war in our time. Actually, Armageddon is something quite different. According to the Bible, it will mean major changes for the better, resulting in a world of lasting peace.” Depending on the person’s response, you can point to a scripture such as Revelation 16:16 or Psalm 37:10, 11 and then direct attention to chapter 39 of the Revelation Climax book. If genuine interest is manifest, you may wish to offer the book. Otherwise, you may choose to consider appropriate points in the tract Will This World Survive?
4 You may be able to create interest by using this suggestion:
◼ “At this time of year, many all over the world are thinking about the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ. Did you ever wonder what he has been doing since his resurrection? Many thrilling events in our day are linked with Jesus’ present role in God’s purpose. Some of them are described in the book of Revelation. Would you like to learn more about God’s purpose in sending his Son to the earth and what that means for you and your loved ones?” You may be able to draw attention to paragraphs 1 and 2 of chapter 41 of the Revelation Climax book or highlight appropriate points from current issues of The Watchtower or Awake! Or you may want to use the tract Life in a Peaceful New World to stimulate further interest.
5 Be sure to invite any who show interest to attend the Memorial. With Jehovah’s blessing, you may be able to help someone ‘hear the words of this prophecy and observe the things written in it.’—Rev. 1:3.