Help Them Act On the Message
1 Our preaching work gives people the opportunity to ‘hear the words of Revelation’s prophecy.’ (Rev. 1:3) But if they are to survive “the great tribulation,” they must also act on them. (Rev. 7:14) Lives are involved! So be sure to call back on those who initially showed interest in one of the presentations you used this month.
2 If you left the “Revelation Climax” book, you might say:
◼ “It’s good to see you again. The last time we spoke, we talked about one of the prophecies of the book of Revelation, and I left you a publication that explains it. You probably noticed that although the book of Revelation is quite deep, it can be understood in the light of present-day happenings by applying a number of fundamental Bible truths. I would like to take a few minutes to highlight a few things that the Bible tells us about our times.” Then turn to an appropriate publication that you can use to start a home Bible study.
3 If you left the tract “Will This World Survive” on the initial call, you could say something like this:
◼ “I’m happy to find you at home today. When I visited you recently, we talked about events making up a sign that would occur just before the end of the world. [Review appropriate aspects of the sign at Matthew 24:3-14.] Have you noticed any event that has taken place lately in the world or in our community that you think might be a fulfillment of part of that sign?” Using the illustrations in chapter 16 of the Revelation Climax book, comment on the fulfillment of some of these Bible prophecies. At the conclusion of the visit, mention the title of the public talk for the week, and extend an invitation to join you at the Kingdom Hall.
4 If you invited the householder to the Memorial, say:
◼ “When I last visited you, we talked about how important Jesus’ death is to mankind. I also invited you to attend the Memorial of his death, which will be observed by Christians around the world on March 26. I’ve come today to remind you that you are invited to that important event. [State time and place of celebration.] It may help you appreciate the significance of the occasion if we review some of the blessings that we now enjoy as a result of what Jesus did for mankind, as well as the blessings that are yet to come.” Then endeavor to discuss appropriate points from one of the current magazines or from chapter 41 of the Revelation Climax book. You may also highlight the illustrations on pages 294, 299, and 308. If possible, make arrangements to help the interested person attend the Memorial.
5 If the person was simply a favorable listener, this might be effective:
◼ “I very much enjoyed our recent conversation about the Bible. I returned because I would like to see you enjoy what God has promised for those who want to learn more about him.” Read John 17:3, then refer to the tract Life in a Peaceful New World.
6 May your love for life and appreciation for the ransom move you to make return visits on interested ones. Help them to act on the thrilling message in Revelation. Remember, “the appointed time is near”!—Rev. 1:3.