Use the Magazines to Share the Truth
1 The value of truthful, factual information is largely undermined in today’s society because of exaggerated advertising, misleading political promises, and deceptive international claims. The Watchtower and Awake! are unique in that they alone declare the truth about God’s Kingdom and explain what all must do to enjoy the eternal blessings it will bring.
2 In one country a ministry of information official who appreciated the value of these two magazines readily assisted in getting approval for their distribution. He stated: “I consider The Watchtower one of the best magazines; I am only too glad to help.” It is our privilege to help others by distributing these journals that can impart life-giving knowledge. (John 17:3) How will you present these valuable magazines during May? Perhaps the following suggestions will be helpful.
3 If you are featuring the opening articles in the May 15 “Watchtower,” you might say:
◼ “We’re talking to people about the world’s best-selling book. Do you know what it is? [Allow for a reply.] We’re talking about the Bible. There must be a very good reason why so many people have purchased the Bible. The reason is found at 2 Timothy 3:16.” After reading the text, highlight appropriate points in one of the articles.
4 Or after a brief introduction, you could say something like this:
◼ “You’ve probably noted that in recent years there has been growing concern worldwide over the problems facing children. What problems of children do you see locally that are of concern to you?” Allow for a reply. Point to some of the serious problems children are going through around the world as discussed in the opening articles of the May 8 Awake!, and direct attention to the solution offered by God’s Kingdom.
5 In your record of return visits, likely you have a list of those who showed a little interest initially, but nothing ever came of it. Since there was only limited response, you may not feel a need to keep calling back. But you may be able to use this list to develop a magazine route. When you note an article that you feel might be appealing to a particular person, make it a point to visit that individual and offer the magazine.
6 Informal Witnessing: This is an excellent way to create interest in the magazines. A discreet display of the eye-catching covers may be enough to start a conversation. A sister laid some issues on her desk so that fellow workmates could see them as they passed by; she was able to place several. Make it a point to carry a few copies, and take the initiative to offer them this month when you go shopping, go to school, ride the bus, or come in contact with others elsewhere.
7 With the help of The Watchtower and Awake!, we have found answers to vital questions about Jehovah and his worship. We want to use these journals in every way possible to help others come to know “Jehovah the God of truth.”—Ps. 31:5.