Return Where You Found Interest
1 Many of us have had success in distributing magazines and brochures. It is important that we return and try to stimulate further interest. Our success in doing so may depend on how well we prepare before we make a return visit.
2 Remember that most young people are anxious about the same things that concern adults. The May issues of Awake! have articles that examine current problems from the standpoint of young people. These articles provide insight that can help young ones, as well as their parents, to appreciate what really matters in life.
3 If you placed the May 8 “Awake!,” you might plan to follow it up by offering the May 22 issue. You could say:
◼ “The last issue I left with you featured articles on the subject of hope for children. Our young people have to grow up in a world that offers little hope for the future. Many of them show their resentment by rebellious conduct. But there are some who keep their balance and maintain high ideals. This article in the latest Awake! explains how a high court upholds a teenager’s stand. I think you’ll appreciate what it has to say.”
4 You may decide to offer a brochure using this approach:
◼ “I enjoyed our brief discussion last time about the future of this earth. Can you imagine what life will be like here when God brings an end to wickedness and suffering? [Show picture on page 31 of the brochure What Is The Purpose of Life—How Can You Find It?] Notice all these Bible verses on pages 29 and 30 that describe the blessings that God’s Kingdom will bring. [Pick out one scripture, and read it directly from the brochure.] I’d like to leave this with you.”
5 When you go back, perhaps you will learn that the householder gets his own religious literature and he feels that is sufficient. You could say:
◼ “Regardless of our religion, we’re all affected by many of the same anxieties—crime, serious illness, environmental concerns—isn’t that so? [Allow for comment.] Do you feel there is any real solution to these problems? [Read 2 Peter 3:13.] The purpose of our literature is stated on page 2 of The Watchtower. [Read a selected sentence or two.] Many people who are not Jehovah’s Witnesses enjoy reading our publications because of the hopeful message they contain, which is based on the Bible.” If the householder’s response is favorable, explain our Bible study program.
6 You might take this approach:
◼ “The last time I was here, we talked about the future prospects for our world. What do you think about this report? [Mention some current news item of concern.] When people hear things like that, it causes them to wonder what this world is coming to, doesn’t it? We believe that such things indicate that we’re living in ‘the last days’ foretold in the Bible at 2 Timothy 3:1-5.” After reading highlights, you can ask if he has seen people who fit that description. Continue with a discussion of one of the subheadings on pages 234-8 in the Reasoning book.
7 If we prepare well and show a genuine desire to help, we can be confident that the honesthearted ones will listen.—John 10:27, 28.