Service Meetings for June
NOTE: Our Kingdom Ministry will schedule a Service Meeting for each week during the summer. Congregations may make adjustments as needed to allow for attending the “Godly Fear” District Convention and for a 30-minute review of the program highlights the following week. The day-by-day review of the district convention program should be assigned in advance to two or three qualified brothers who will be able to focus on outstanding points. This well-prepared review will help the congregation remember key points for personal application and for use in the field. Comments from the audience and experiences related should be brief and to the point.
Week Starting June 6
10 min: Local announcements and Announcements from Our Kingdom Ministry that apply locally. Briefly demonstrate how the latest magazines may be offered from house to house this weekend. Remind audience to pick up copies of the Creation book for use in service this weekend.
20 min: “Are You Sowing Bountifully?” Questions and answers. As time allows, invite audience to relate personal experiences showing how they have put forth an extra effort in some aspect of their service and have been blessed for it.
15 min: “Helping Others to Honor Our Maker.” Discuss with audience. Have two demonstrations showing how the suggested presentations can be used.
Song 30 and concluding prayer.
Week Starting June 13
10 min: Local announcements. Read accounts report and Society donation acknowledgments. Include brief comments showing how one with a generous spirit is blessed.—Prov. 11:24a.
15 min: “Building Faith in Mankind’s Creator.” Discuss with audience. As time permits, demonstrate one of the suggested return visits.
20 min: “Congregation Book Study Promotes Educational Activities.” A study conductor discusses with audience. Emphasize how the article encourages (1) increased book study attendance, (2) more commenting during the study, and (3) better support for meetings for service.
Song 65 and concluding prayer.
Week Starting June 20
10 min: Local announcements. Young people now on vacation from school should review opportunities they have to increase their share in the ministry; some may be able to auxiliary pioneer. Those who have finished school should seriously consider their plans for the future with the goal of keeping Kingdom interests first.
10 min: Local needs. Or give a talk on article “What Career Should I Choose?” from May 8, 1989, Awake!, pages 12-14.
10 min: Question Box. Question-and-answer discussion.
15 min: “Are You Doing God’s Will?” Talk by elder based on March 1, 1994, Watchtower, pages 28-30.
Song 223 and concluding prayer.
Week Starting June 27
10 min: Local announcements. Review field service schedule for worldly holiday weekend.
15 min: “Meaningful Meetings for Field Service.” Questions and answers by service overseer. When discussing paragraph 3, point out one or two introductions from Reasoning book that might be used this weekend. On paragraph 5 mention any problems pertaining to conduct in field service that have been observed locally; give kindly suggestions for improvement.
20 min: Review Offer for July. Display copies of booklets congregation has in stock, such as A Secure Future—How You Can Find It, God’s Way Is Love, Is There a God Who Cares?, There Is Much More To Life!, or “This Good News of the Kingdom.” These booklets are practical for starting Bible studies. Review some interesting features and illustrations that can be used to initiate conversations. Have two demonstrations showing how to start a discussion on a Bible subject. (Use suggestions in Reasoning book on “Future/Security,” pages 11-12, and “Kingdom,” pages 12-13.) Demonstrations should conclude with arrangements for starting a Bible study.
Song 118 and concluding prayer.