Service Meetings for July
Week Starting July 1
12 min: Local announcements. Selected Announcements from Our Kingdom Ministry. Comment on April field service report for the country and local congregation.
15 min: “Fulfilling Our Vow Day After Day.” Questions and answers. Include comments from Insight, Volume 2, page 1162, paragraphs 6-7, showing why a vow is a serious obligation.
18 min: “Imitate Jehovah by Genuinely Caring for Others.” (Paragraphs 1-3) Use the first paragraph to develop the theme of the article. Determine which brochures currently in stock in the congregation may be well received in your territory. Then review paragraphs 2-3 only, and demonstrate how both the initial call and the return visit can be handled with the brochure Does God Really Care About Us? Show how publishers might make up their own presentation for another brochure that would be appropriate for local territory. Include suggestions on how to mention that donations for the worldwide work are gladly accepted.
Song 112 and concluding prayer.
Week Starting July 8
10 min: Local announcements. Accounts report.
15 min: “Imitate Jehovah by Genuinely Caring for Others.” (Paragraphs 4-5) Discuss only paragraphs 4-5 and some highlights of the brochure When Someone You Love Dies. Then demonstrate the suggested presentations for the initial call and the return visit.
20 min: “More Brothers Are Needed in the Pioneer Service.” Questions and answers. As time permits, review suggestions on how to care for financial needs, as discussed in the September 15, 1993, Watchtower, pages 28-31.
Song 16 and concluding prayer.
Week Starting July 15
10 min: Local announcements.
20 min: “Have You Tried Evening Witnessing?” A talk with audience participation and some interviews. Relate what has been observed locally when working the territory later in the day. Include experiences showing positive results from evening witnessing. Outline the local weekly schedule of meetings for service.
15 min: “Imitate Jehovah by Genuinely Caring for Others.” (Paragraphs 6-8) Use the last paragraph of the article to encourage all to make return visits promptly on those with whom brochures are placed. Using paragraphs 6-7, demonstrate how to offer the Purpose of Life brochure on the initial call and how to start a study in the first chapter of the Knowledge book on the return visit. Remind publishers that they can make up their own presentations for other brochures, following model of presentations suggested in Our Kingdom Ministry.
Song 64 and concluding prayer.
Week Starting July 22
10 min: Local announcements. Briefly review latest issues of the magazines, pointing out interesting highlights that might be used in presenting them at the door.
15 min: Pursue the Goal of Full-Time Service. Discussion between an elder and one or two teenagers, based on December 15, 1988, Watchtower, pages 25-7. The youths are trying to decide what goals they will pursue after finishing high school. They show interest in material advantages offered by worldly careers. Elder points out good reasons why it would be far better to reach out for pioneer service. Teenagers agree but doubt they can pioneer and provide for themselves materially. Elder shares experiences from the Watchtower article, showing that pioneer service is a reasonable, attainable goal that brings joy to many. Discussion ends with teenagers expressing appreciation for the elder’s comments and their determination to give serious thought to pursuing the goal of having a full share in Kingdom service.
20 min: “How to Make Disciples With the Knowledge Book.” A talk covering paragraphs 12-16 of the June 1996 insert. Include two demonstrations of a Bible study in progress. The first shows how to train the student to prepare the lesson by highlighting or underlining key words and phrases that most directly answer the printed questions. The second demonstrates what you might say to encourage the Bible student to attend the Public Meeting and Watchtower Study.
Song 116 and concluding prayer.
Week Starting July 29
10 min: Local announcements. Review “New Circuit Assembly Program.”
20 min: What Does It Take to Get a Bible Study? An elder directs discussion between two or three who have found success in the Bible study work, reviewing ways to be more successful in starting studies: (1) Pray for Jehovah’s help. (2) Share regularly in various features of the ministry to find interested ones. (3) Record all interest, and make prompt return visits. (4) Always offer a study where interest is shown. (See the subheading “Getting Bible Studies Started,” on page 20 of the February 15, 1996, Watchtower.) (5) Build confidence in your ability to teach by using the four suggestions outlined on pages 13-17 of the August 1, 1984, Watchtower.
15 min: Local Needs. Or an elder gives a talk on “Comfort and Encouragement—Gems of Many Facets,” from the January 15, 1996, Watchtower, pages 21-3.
Song 165 and concluding prayer.