Service Meetings for February
Week Starting February 1
10 min: Local announcements. Selected Announcements from Our Kingdom Ministry. Remind all to turn in field service reports for January.
17 min: “Offer the Family Happiness Book to People of All Ages.” Elder discusses the article with two or three capable publishers. Focus on the goal of helping others to realize that the secret of family happiness lies in following Bible counsel. (See Family Happiness, pages 9-12.) Demonstrate one of the suggested presentations. Show how to mention the donation arrangement and how to set up a return visit.
18 min: “Put On the New Personality.” A talk, analyzing Ephesians 4:20-24. (See March 1, 1993, Watchtower, pages 14-18, paragraphs 4-17.) Explain how we strip off the old personality and put on the new.
Song 4 and concluding prayer.
Week Starting February 8
10 min: Local announcements. Accounts report.
15 min: Local needs.
20 min: “Our Grand Creator Cares About Us!” Questions and answers. Explain how the Creator book can be used to help those who doubt or deny God’s existence. Although the book is not for conducting Bible studies, it can serve as an effective tool in motivating people to examine all that the Bible says. (See Creator book, pages 189-91.) Invite publishers to share their personal expressions about the publication and to relate any experiences they have had in placing it with others.
Song 173 and concluding prayer.
Week Starting February 15
10 min: Local announcements. Theocratic News.
18 min: How Are We Benefited By Enrollment in the Theocratic Ministry School? Audience discussion conducted by the school overseer. Training in public speaking is not the only purpose of the school. There are other ways in which we directly benefit. (See School Guidebook, pages 12-13.) We learn how to communicate better with other people. We are taught to speak with clarity, poise, and self-confidence. We become skilled in answering questions about our beliefs and in explaining our Bible-based decisions. Our knowledge of the Bible increases, helping us to be more effective in witnessing to others. We learn to acknowledge our shortcomings and to accept counsel, which results in our dealing more amicably with others. The overall training that the school provides helps us to remain “adequately qualified” as God’s ministers.—2 Cor. 3:5, 6.
17 min: “How Family Members Cooperate for a Full Share—In Bible Study.” Discussion by a family group. They analyze how they are applying the suggestions about family Bible reading and study found in the May 15, 1996, Watchtower, pages 14-15, and the October 15, 1992, Watchtower, pages 16-17.
Song 57 and concluding prayer.
Week Starting February 22
10 min: Local announcements.
15 min: Witnessing in Apartment Buildings. (If there are few apartment buildings in your territory, consider the article “Why Keep a Record of Not-at-Homes?” in the May 1995 Our Kingdom Ministry.) Discussion with two or three publishers. It is difficult to witness to people living in apartments where conversation is limited to what can be said through an intercom. Consider ways to create interest. In a friendly manner, introduce yourself as a neighbor; use the householder’s name if it is shown on the directory; mention a timely subject that you want to discuss, or read an introduction directly from the Reasoning book, pages 9-15; and explain that you wish to deliver a tract, magazine, or brochure that answers an important question, and state what it is. Where contact is limited, write letters to the tenants or witness to them on the street as they come and go. Demonstrate a method used locally that has achieved good results with apartment dwellers.
20 min: How to Find Joy in Disciple Making. A talk based on the February 15, 1996, Watchtower, pages 19-22.
Song 91 and concluding prayer.