New Special Assembly Day Program
“Become Full-Grown in Powers of Understanding” is the theme of the special assembly day program beginning in September 2000. (1 Cor. 14:20) Why will it be valuable for us to attend? We live in a world that is filled with badness. To resist this, we must develop our powers of spiritual understanding so that we can conquer the evil with the good. That is what the special assembly day program will help us to do.
In the opening session, the circuit overseer will discuss “Aids to Becoming Full-Grown in Bible Understanding.” He will show us how to become stabilized in Christian faith. The visiting speaker will highlight how actual use, or application, of Bible principles is vital in developing keen perception, as he speaks on the theme “Safeguard Spirituality by Training Your Perceptive Powers.”
Young people too must develop powers of understanding. This will be discussed in the parts “Why Be Babes as to Badness” and “Youths Who Acquire Understanding Now.” Hear youths tell what they do to fortify themselves spiritually so that they can control any curiosity about the world’s wicked activities and avoid trouble.
How are we to find the greatest happiness in life? The visiting speaker will explain this in the concluding talk “Benefit From Applying Bible Principles With Understanding.” He will give examples to show that applying God’s Word helps us deal with problems, make decisions, and truly benefit from what Jehovah is teaching us.
Those who wish to symbolize their dedication to God by water baptism at the assembly should inform the presiding overseer as soon as possible. Mark your calendar as soon as the date of the special assembly day is announced, and make definite plans to benefit from this rich program. Do not miss any part of the special assembly day! It will fortify you to endure this evil system and remain faithful to Jehovah.