Meetings Benefit Young People
1 A teenage girl stated: “Sometimes I think young people have the hardest time in life. We are around people who commit fornication, do drugs, and drink.” Is that how you feel? If so, what do you think will help you fight these bad influences? You need faith, strong faith in the rightness of Jehovah’s ways, for without that “it is impossible to please him well.” (Heb. 11:6) Attending congregation meetings will help you strengthen your Christian conviction and determination to avoid what is bad.
2 Meetings Have a Lot to Offer You: What makes a good meal with close friends enjoyable? Is it not the combination of wholesome food and pleasant company in a relaxed atmosphere? Well, our meetings offer the same pleasant experience, but in a spiritual sense.
3 The things that are discussed at the meetings are upbuilding, ranging from matters dealing with everyday problems of life to studies of fascinating Bible prophecies. Practical instruction is presented that teaches you how to live the best way of life and to meet the challenges that come your way. The companions found at the meetings are the best anywhere, and the spiritual atmosphere is pleasant and safe. (Ps. 133:1) No wonder that one youth said: “I go to school all day long, and it tears me down. But the meetings are like an oasis in the desert, where I am refreshed to make it through the next school day.” Another said: “I have found that close association with others who love Jehovah helps me to stay close to him.”
4 By being enrolled in the Theocratic Ministry School, you learn to gather Biblical information, develop it into a talk, and then present it in a conversational manner before a Kingdom Hall audience. Imagine the benefit of being trained to teach the lifesaving truths in God’s Word skillfully! Where else can young people acquire such valuable training?
5 How to Get the Most Out of Meetings: To get the most benefit from the meetings, there are three vital things involved. These are preparation, participation, and practice.
6 Prepare for Them: Schedule time to prepare for the meetings on a regular basis. Do not allow schoolwork, a part-time job, or recreational activities to rob you of the time you need to review in advance the material that will be discussed at each meeting. It helps to have a good routine. First and foremost, keep up with the weekly Bible reading schedule for the Theocratic Ministry School. It takes just a few minutes each day to read and meditate on the assigned chapters. Set aside time to prepare for the Congregation Book Study and the Watchtower Study. Some do this at least a day or two before those meetings. To the extent possible, do the same for the parts that are scheduled in the Service Meeting each week.
7 Participate in Them: The Bible says that at the age of 12, Jesus was found at the temple, listening, asking questions, and giving answers. (Luke 2:46, 47) In other words, he was totally involved. You will benefit more from the meetings when you put forth the effort to participate in them.—Prov. 15:23.
8 You need to concentrate actively on what is being taught at the meetings. Sometimes, listening to a talk is harder than giving one. Why? Your mind may wander when someone else is speaking. How can you combat this? By taking notes. Jot down important points that you want to refer to later. Note-taking will help you keep your mind focused on the program. Also, look up the scriptures, and follow along as these are read by the speaker.
9 Additionally, make it a goal to have a share in each question-and-answer discussion at the meetings. You will benefit even more if you give careful thought to what you want to say. Proverbs 15:28 says: “The heart of the righteous one meditates so as to answer.”
10 Practice What You Learn: The final step is to make sure that what you learn is “at work in you.” (1 Thess. 2:13) As you apply the fine points you learn at each meeting, you will draw closer to Jehovah God. He will be real to you, and you will experience great joy and satisfaction as you “go on walking in the truth,” making it your own.—3 John 4.
11 Young brothers and sisters, as you regularly prepare for the meetings, participate in them, and put into practice what you learn, you will enjoy the meetings to the full. At the same time, you will get all the benefit you can from them. Your faith will be strengthened, as will your resolve to remain true to your heavenly Father, Jehovah.—Ps. 145:18.