Jehovah’s Blessing Makes Us Rich
1 A person’s success is often measured by the size of his paycheck. That is why many people view those with money as being the happiest and most fulfilled. However, people who feel that money can buy happiness are sadly mistaken. (Eccl. 5:12) There is no lasting joy for those “determined to be rich” in a material way. (1 Tim. 6:9) In contrast, Jehovah’s servants are truly joyful and are the richest people in the world. (Prov. 10:22; Rev. 2:9) How so?
2 Evidence of Our Riches: We possess rich spiritual insight and an understanding of God’s Word, the Bible. Through his earthly organization, Jehovah continually teaches us about himself and his Son, to our lasting benefit. Accurate understanding makes it possible for us to draw close to Jehovah and enjoy an intimate relationship with him. (Jas. 4:8) Discerning good from bad and following God’s laws shields us from certain diseases and dangers. We have confidence that Jehovah will provide for us, resulting in godly contentment and peace of mind.—Matt. 6:33.
3 We enjoy peace and unity within our spiritual brotherhood because we cultivate the fruitage of God’s spirit. United by a strong bond of love, we need never feel abandoned by God or by our brothers when we face calamity.—Gal. 6:10.
4 Our lives have real meaning and purpose. We count it a marvelous privilege to share in the global preaching of the good news. This brings lasting joy as we help others to come into a good relationship with God and serve unitedly with us in pure worship. Our priceless treasure of the ministry brings honor to Jehovah and gives us the satisfaction of contributing toward the sanctification of his name. We maintain a positive mental attitude, knowing that our hope for the future will soon be realized.
5 Showing Our Appreciation: May we be ever appreciative of Jehovah’s blessings, which make us truly the richest people on earth. (Prov. 22:4) Taking time each day to meditate on what we have moves us to thank Jehovah for his generous love and to continue giving him our exclusive devotion.