Service Meeting Schedule
Week Starting December 10
13 min: Local announcements. Selected Announcements from Our Kingdom Ministry. Encourage everyone to view the video To the Ends of the Earth in preparation for the discussion at the Service Meeting the week of December 24. Using suggestions on page 8, demonstrate how to present (1) the December 15 Watchtower and (2) the December 22 Awake!
12 min: Local needs.
20 min: “Blessings From Showing Appreciation for Jehovah’s Love—Part 2.”a When discussing paragraphs 2-6, invite the congregation to relate experiences they have had in offering words of comfort and hope to those depressed or worried because of the recent disaster and its aftermath. Arrange in advance to reenact one or two of them.
Song 222 and concluding prayer.
Week Starting December 17
10 min: Local announcements. Accounts report. Outline special field service arrangements for December 25 and January 1.
22 min: “Handle God’s Word Aright.”b Include a realistic demonstration of the presentation in paragraph 4. Also, demonstrate an effective presentation that has been used locally to encourage or console people who are distressed over current world conditions. A brief experience may be related. Ask the audience to comment on why they feel that using the Bible will make the witness that is given much more effective.
13 min: ‘You Have Your Own Bible.’ Audience discussion based on Reasoning book, pages 279-80. If people are reluctant to listen because we use the New World Translation, what can we say? Arrange in advance for publishers to relate in their own words the suggested replies.
Song 225 and concluding prayer.
Week Starting December 24
10 min: Local announcements. Explain what the literature offer is for January and what books the congregation has in stock. Using suggestions on page 8, demonstrate two brief magazine presentations, one using the January 1 Watchtower and the other using the January 8 Awake! Have a youth give one of them.
10 min: “The Theocratic Ministry School for 2002.” Talk by the school overseer. Encourage all to be diligent in fulfilling their assignments.
25 min: “Witnessing—To the Ends of the Earth.” Audience discussion. Encourage all to think seriously about what more they can do to reach out to others with the good news, locally or where there is a greater need. Refer to the July 2001 Our Kingdom Ministry, page 4. In February we will review the video Noah—He Walked With God.
Song 24 and concluding prayer.
Week Starting December 31
Note: Congregations are not to move their Service Meeting for the week of December 31 to an earlier night unless the circuit overseer is visiting. In every congregation, the convention insert should be considered on the Service Meeting as scheduled. If there is a circuit assembly this week, book study conductors should announce the convention location and dates at their regularly scheduled book studies. A copy of the Recommended Lodging List should be made available by the conductor so that those in attendance can copy the hotel telephone numbers for making their reservations. However, copies of this list should not be given to anyone.
10 min: Local announcements. Remind publishers to turn in field service reports for December. If your congregation will change meeting times for the new year, kindly urge everyone to attend regularly at the new times. Be sure that all interested ones and any who are inactive know of the changes.
15 min: Give Elders the Consideration They Deserve. Two or three ministerial servants discuss the June 1, 1999, Watchtower, pages 18-19. They comment about the many duties that elders must care for, including secular work, family responsibilities, and theocratic assignments. Consider ways in which all can encourage them, lighten their load, and follow their direction. The servants agree that elders are performing a valuable service and are due “more than extraordinary consideration.”—1 Thess. 5:12, 13.
20 min: “2002 ‘Zealous Kingdom Proclaimers’ District Convention of Jehovah’s Witnesses.”c To be handled by the secretary, with the focus on paragraphs 4-11. During the consideration of paragraph 3, read the December 15, 2001, convention assignment letter. Warmly commend the congregation for making their convention arrangements as soon as possible.
Song 219 and concluding prayer.
Week Starting January 7
10 min: Local announcements.
20 min: Make the Best of Your Life. Family members discuss August 15, 1998, Watchtower, pages 8-9. The father wants the family to pursue a course that will bring them joy rather than disappointment. They review Scriptural admonition in the article that shows how to ensure their happiness, focusing on the need for discernment, worthwhile priorities, and trust in Jehovah. They outline practical adjustments they can make as a family.
15 min: A Close Look at Our Kingdom Hall. Talk by an elder. Take note of the condition of the Kingdom Hall. What plans are being made for a spring cleanup prior to the Memorial? What repairs need to be made before that? Explain how the congregation can assist. Stress the need to make sure that our place of worship reflects the beauty and dignity we associate with Jehovah’s house.—Ps. 84:1.
Song 126 and concluding prayer.
a Limit introductory comments to less than a minute, and follow with a question-and-answer discussion.
b Limit introductory comments to less than a minute, and follow with a question-and-answer discussion.
c Limit introductory comments to less than a minute, and follow with a question-and-answer discussion.