Service Meeting Schedule
Week Starting March 11
13 min: Local announcements. Selected Announcements from Our Kingdom Ministry. Using the suggestions on page 8, have two separate demonstrations of how to present the March 15 Watchtower and the March 22 Awake! In each case, show a different way to handle the conversation stopper, “I’m not interested.”—See Reasoning book, page 16.
12 min: Maintaining Our Christian Neutrality. Talk by a capable elder. Displays of patriotism have become more common at school, in the workplace, and around the neighborhood. Many who promote this do so as their way of coping with anxiety and grief over national tragedies. Even though we too are pained by what we see in the world, we understand the bigger issue of universal sovereignty and are comforted by the Kingdom message. When tactfully explaining to others why we do not join in nationalistic activities, we should also share the comfort and hope we have found in God’s Word. The brochure Jehovah’s Witnesses and Education, pages 20-4, under the subheading “The Flag Salute,” explains the reason why we do not participate in patriotic ceremonies. Cover the highlights, and encourage parents to review this information carefully with their children. Relate the experiences found on page 20 in the brochure and on page 31 in the January 8, 1996, Awake! Emphasize the need to give exclusive devotion to Jehovah, while respecting governmental authority.
20 min: “Be Rich in Fine Works.”a To be handled by the service overseer. Urge all to share fully in the ministry in preparation for the Memorial observance on March 28. Discuss how the printed invitations can be used to the best advantage. Invite publishers to tell how they were able to get their relatives, neighbors, Bible students, and other interested ones to attend the Memorial last year and what joy that brought. Encourage all who can to auxiliary pioneer in April and to obtain an application after the meeting.
Song 82 and concluding prayer.
Week Starting March 18
10 min: Local announcements. Accounts report. Discuss “Memorial Reminders.” Encourage all to follow the Memorial Bible reading scheduled for March 23-28, as outlined in Examining the Scriptures Daily—2002.
15 min: “Joyfully United With Jehovah and His Son.” A Scripturally motivating talk by an elder. Encourage everyone to put forth extra effort between now and March 28 to invite as many people as possible to attend the Memorial along with us.
20 min: How Is the Yearbook Benefiting You? Talk and audience discussion. First, highlight the key points in “A Letter From the Governing Body,” on pages 3-5. Then, ask the audience to relate reports and experiences in the Yearbook that they found to be especially encouraging and faith-strengthening. Encourage all to complete their reading of the Yearbook and to use it to familiarize Bible students with Jehovah’s organization.
Song 45 and concluding prayer.
Week Starting March 25
14 min: Local announcements. Explain that it is not too late to submit an application to auxiliary pioneer in April. Using the suggestions on page 8, have an elder demonstrate how to present the April 1 Watchtower and a youth show how to present the April 8 Awake! After each demonstration, highlight some good aspects of the presentation.
15 min: Local needs.
16 min: Use the Reasoning Book to Give Encouragement. Audience discussion. Everyone needs loving encouragement from time to time. Therefore, we should all feel a need to “speak consolingly” to others, including the distressed ones we meet in the ministry. (1 Thess. 5:14) Using the Reasoning book, invite audience to mention what Scriptural encouragement they might share with someone experiencing one of the trials outlined on pages 117-21. Suggest that each one try to encourage someone whenever the need arises.—Gal. 6:10.
Song 131 and concluding prayer.
Week Starting April 1
7 min: Local announcements. Remind publishers to turn in field service reports for March.
18 min: “‘Gifts in Men’ Eagerly Shepherd God’s Flock.” A talk by an elder. Discuss scriptures cited. Show how positive things can and do result from shepherding the inactive and helping the infirm to do what they can. Loving shepherds show appreciation for all their heartfelt efforts to remain active in Jehovah’s service.
20 min: “Increase Your Joy in Preaching.”b When discussing paragraph 5, ask for practical suggestions on how to accomplish the most good in the local territory. Demonstrate one or two examples of how we might take the initiative to approach someone to give a brief witness. Encourage everyone to create opportunities to witness this week.
Song 15 and concluding prayer.
a Limit introductory comments to less than a minute, and follow with a question-and-answer discussion.
b Limit introductory comments to less than a minute, and follow with a question-and-answer discussion.