Show Loving Interest in “Fatherless Boys”
1 Jehovah is “a father of fatherless boys.” (Ps. 68:5) His concern for their welfare is reflected in this command that he gave the ancient nation of Israel: “You people must not afflict any widow or fatherless boy. If you should afflict him at all, then if he cries out to me at all, I shall unfailingly hear his outcry.” (Ex. 22:22, 23) God’s Law also included provision to assist such ones with their material needs. (Deut. 24:19-21) Under the Christian arrangement, true worshipers are admonished “to look after orphans and widows in their tribulation.” (Jas. 1:27) How can we imitate Jehovah’s loving interest in those growing up in single-parent or religiously divided families?
2 Spiritual Training: If you are a single parent or have an unbelieving mate, conducting a regular home Bible study with your children may present a challenge. But a regular and meaningful Bible study is essential if they are to grow up to be balanced, mature adults. (Prov. 22:6) Having daily conversations with them about spiritual matters is also vital. (Deut. 6:6-9) At times, you may feel discouraged, but do not give up. Turn to Jehovah for strength and guidance as you “go on bringing [your children] up in the discipline and mental-regulating of Jehovah.”—Eph. 6:4.
3 If you need some assistance in shouldering your Scriptural responsibilities, let your needs be known to the elders. They may be able to offer practical suggestions or assist you in establishing a good spiritual routine for your household.
4 How Others Can Help: In the first century, Timothy became a zealous servant of Jehovah despite growing up in a religiously divided household. The diligent efforts of his mother and grandmother to teach him the holy writings in his youth doubtless had much to do with this. (Acts 16:1, 2; 2 Tim. 1:5; 3:15) However, he also benefited from association with other Christians, including the apostle Paul, who referred to Timothy as his “beloved and faithful child in the Lord.”—1 Cor. 4:17.
5 Likewise today, how beneficial it is when spiritually mature brothers and sisters take a loving interest in the fatherless boys and girls in the congregation! Do you know each one by name? Do you talk with them at Christian meetings and on other occasions? Invite them to join you in the field ministry. Perhaps you could occasionally include them, along with their single or believing parent, in your family study or in arrangements for wholesome recreation. When these younger ones view you as their friend, they are more likely to take to heart your example and encouragement.—Phil. 2:4.
6 Jehovah is deeply interested in fatherless boys and girls, and he is blessing our loving efforts to help them make the truth their own. Many who grew up in single-parent or divided households received such encouragement and are now serving faithfully as pioneers, ministerial servants, elders, traveling overseers, missionaries, or Bethel family members. May all of us look for ways to “widen out” in our affection for fatherless ones, in imitation of our heavenly Father.—2 Cor. 6:11-13.