What to Say About the Magazines
The Watchtower Nov. 15
“Some have wondered if we need churches and temples to worship God. What do you think? [Allow for response.] Notice what the Bible says on this subject. [Read Acts 17:24.] What purpose, then, should places of worship serve? This magazine gives a Scriptural answer to that question.”
Awake! Nov. 22
“Do you think that science will someday put an end to sickness and disease? [Allow for response.] This issue of Awake! examines some of the advances that science has made. It also shows why only the Creator has the power to eliminate sickness and death.” Read Psalm 146:3-5, and offer magazines.
The Watchtower Dec. 1
“Nowadays, just about everyone is finding it difficult to make ends meet. The same is true of the churches, and appeals for funds have become ever more persistent. Do you find that disturbing? [Allow for response. Then read 1 Thessalonians 2:9.] The Watchtower considers what the Bible says about this.”
Awake! Dec. 8
“Because of terrorist threats, many wonder whether it is safe to fly. Does this concern you? [Allow for response.] The Bible acknowledges that no one is immune to misfortune. [Read Ecclesiastes 9:11.] However, this issue of Awake! considers how you can increase your safety and comfort when you fly.”