Cultivate Good Habits, Reap Rich Blessings
1. Why is it beneficial to examine your spiritual routine?
1 When you first became a Christian, you likely put forth much effort to develop a healthy routine of spiritual activities that included Bible study, Christian meetings, the field ministry, and prayer. As a result of Jehovah’s blessing on your efforts, you grew spiritually. Perhaps now a number of years have passed since you were baptized. Are you maintaining the good spiritual habits you developed as you were becoming a Christian?
2. How do we benefit from daily Bible reading?
2 Examine Your Routine: Is it your habit to read a portion of God’s Word each day? What rich blessings we reap by doing so! (Josh. 1:8; Ps. 1:2, 3) In ancient Israel, each king was to read in his copy of the Law “all the days of his life.” With what benefits? He would develop a humble heart and learn to fear Jehovah so as not to turn aside from His commandments. (Deut. 17:18-20) Likewise today, daily Bible reading helps us to remain blameless and innocent amid this wicked, corrupt world. It also helps us to be fully equipped for the ministry.—Phil. 2:15; 2 Tim. 3:17.
3. What blessings do we reap from regularly attending meetings?
3 Jesus had the custom of going to the synagogue, where the Scriptures were discussed. (Luke 4:16) No doubt this fortified him to face the trials he was to suffer. We too are strengthened by the spiritual instruction imparted at congregation meetings and the wholesome “interchange of encouragement.” (Rom. 1:12) Gathering together with our brothers helps us to endure the difficulties of these last days. (Heb. 10:24, 25) Is it still your custom to attend all the meetings?
4. How does sharing in field service each week benefit us?
4 The inspired record tells us that the apostles shared in declaring the good news “every day in the temple and from house to house.” (Acts 5:42) While we may not be able to preach every day, can we make it our habit to participate in some form of the ministry every week? By doing so, we will surely become more proficient in handling God’s Word, and we will likely enjoy encouraging experiences in sharing Bible truth with others.
5. Why is it vital to pray to Jehovah regularly?
5 The prophet Daniel was richly blessed for serving Jehovah “with constancy” throughout his life. This included the habit of praying regularly to Jehovah. (Dan. 6:10, 16, 20) Likewise, as we regularly turn to Jehovah in heartfelt prayer, he will bless us with his holy spirit. (Luke 11:9-13) More than that, Jehovah will respond by drawing close to us, allowing us to enjoy an intimate relationship with him. (Ps. 25:14; Jas. 4:8) What a grand reward! May we, therefore, work diligently to maintain good spiritual habits and reap rich blessings from Jehovah.