What to Say About the Magazines
The Watchtower July 15
“Do you think that we will ever see a government that solves mankind’s problems? [Allow for response.] Jesus taught his disciples to pray for such a government in his words recorded at Matthew 6:9, 10. [Read.] This magazine explains why God’s Kingdom is superior to human governments and describes the blessings it will bring to mankind.”
Awake! July
When meeting a young person, you might say: “Many your age are thinking about marriage. Where do you think you can find reliable information on the subject? [Allow for response.] Notice who originated marriage. [Read Matthew 19:6.] This magazine outlines some Bible principles to help us build a happy marriage.”
The Watchtower Aug. 1
“It is all too common today to see people mistreating others. Do you think things would change if more people applied these words of Jesus? [Read Matthew 7:12. Then allow for response.] This magazine shows from the Bible how the basic right to human dignity will be realized.”
Awake! Aug.
“All of us are interested in good health care. Are you aware that many doctors today hesitate to transfuse blood? [Allow for response.] This magazine explains why. It also explains from the Bible why God considers blood valuable.” Read Leviticus 17:11.