Schedule for Week of June 17
Song 48 and Prayer
□ Congregation Bible Study:
jr chap. 10 ¶20-27 (30 min.)
□ Theocratic Ministry School:
Bible reading: Acts 5-7 (10 min.)
No. 1: Acts 5:17-32 (4 min. or less)
No. 2: What Must a Person Do to Be Known by Jehovah?—2 Tim. 2:19 (5 min.)
No. 3: What Is Required of Us in Order to Benefit From Jesus’ Sacrifice?—rs p. 310 ¶5–p. 311 ¶1 (5 min.)
□ Service Meeting:
10 min: How to Demonstrate Respect in the Ministry. Talk based on the Ministry School book, page 190, paragraph 1, to page 192, paragraph 1. Have a brief realistic demonstration of a publisher showing a lack of respect for the householder. Then repeat the demonstration, this time with the publisher showing proper respect.
10 min: Help Your Student to Become a Publisher. Discussion based on the Organized book, page 78, paragraph 3, to the last bulleted point on page 80.
10 min: “Increased Opportunities to Laud Jehovah.” Questions and answers. Briefly interview one or two publishers who auxiliary pioneered during the visit of the circuit overseer.
Song 9 and Prayer