Why Is It Important to “Keep on the Watch”?
“WHAT will be the sign of your presence and of the conclusion of the system of things?” (Matthew 24:3) We can read Jesus’ answer to his disciples’ question in Matthew chapter 24, Mark chapter 13, and Luke chapter 21. The explanation he gave about the sign was clear and detailed. His followers would easily see the things that were part of the sign. Jesus told his disciples: “Keep on the watch.”—Matthew 24:42.
But if the sign was going to be so clear, why did Jesus say to “keep on the watch”? There are two possible reasons. One reason is that distractions might make some ignore the sign. Their faith could become weak, and they may stop watching for the sign. Another reason is that if part of the sign is not happening right where a Christian lives, he may not think that it affects him. So he might think that the final part of Jesus’ prophecy, the “great tribulation,” is not yet coming and that he does not need to keep on the watch.—Matthew 24:21.
Jesus reminded his followers about the people who lived in Noah’s day. The people must have noticed that Noah was preaching and building the ark. And they also would have known about the violence around them. But most “took no note.” (Matthew 24:37-39) People today have a similar attitude about warnings. For example, many do not obey the speed limit when they drive. Authorities often have to put speed bumps on the roads of city streets to force people to drive slowly. In the same way, a Christian may see the sign of the last days but not allow this to affect the way he lives. This happened to Arielle, a teenager in West Africa.
Arielle enjoyed watching women’s handball on television. When her school started a handball team, the desire to play made her forget that it could be a danger to her friendship with God. She joined the team as the goalkeeper. What happened? She explains: “Some of my teammates had boyfriends who used drugs and smoked. They made fun of me for being different.” Arielle thought that being with these people would not affect her. But after a while, the game started to affect even her worship. She says: “Handball filled my mind and heart. During Christian meetings, my thoughts often wandered from the Kingdom Hall to the handball court.” It even affected her Christian qualities. Instead of playing to enjoy the game, winning was now the most important thing. She practiced a lot because she loved to win. This caused her stress. She even lost friends when handball became so important to her.
But something happened during one game that made her think about her situation. The other team was awarded a penalty shot. Arielle was ready to defend the goal. She said: “Before I realized it, I had prayed to Jehovah to help me block the shot!” This made her realize how much the game had harmed her friendship with Jehovah. What did she do about this situation?
She said: “I had seen our DVD Young People Ask—What Will I Do With My Life?a (See footnote.) I decided to watch it again and this time to take it seriously.” Arielle knew that she had the same problem as André, the young man in the DVD. She thought about what the elder suggested to André. He told André to read and think about Philippians 3:8. So that is what Arielle did. She said that thinking about this scripture convinced her to quit the team.
This made a big difference to Arielle. She changed her attitude about competition, so she was not stressed anymore. She felt happier and closer to her Christian brothers and sisters. Activities in the congregation became more important to her. She said: “I concentrated at the meetings and enjoyed them again. My ministry also improved. Now I regularly serve as an auxiliary pioneer.”
If distractions are causing you to ignore the sign Jesus gave us, then you need to take action, just as Arielle did. You could try some of the following things. Do research in the Watch Tower Publications Index. The index can be like a map to hidden treasures. It shows you where you can find good counsel and experiences of others who have been in similar situations. You will benefit more from the meetings if you prepare well and take notes. And if you sit near the front of the hall, you may concentrate better. When the speaker asks questions of the audience, try to give a comment early. And keep on the watch by comparing what is happening in the world today with the sign that Jesus gave and with other prophecies about “the last days.”—2 Timothy 3:1-5; 2 Peter 3:3, 4; Revelation 6:1-8.
The sign of the last days is happening in “all the inhabited earth.” (Matthew 24:7, 14) Millions of people today are suffering because of diseases, food shortages, earthquakes, and other events that were prophesied in the Bible. Compared to people who live in areas with these problems, many others live in areas of peace and quiet. If you have not been affected by things that are part of the sign, should you think that the great tribulation is still a long way off? It would not be wise to allow such an idea to grow in our mind.
Think of Jesus’ prophecy about “pestilences and food shortages.” (Luke 21:11) Remember that Jesus did not say that these things would be equally bad in all places at the same time. Instead, he said that they would happen “in one place after another.” So we cannot expect to see the same things happening everywhere at the same time. And just after Jesus mentioned that some would suffer because of food shortages, he warned that others needed to be careful about overeating: “Pay attention to yourselves that your hearts never become weighed down with overeating.” (Luke 21:34) So all Christians will not experience every part of the sign. Jesus said: “When you see these things occurring, know that the kingdom of God is near.” (Luke 21:31) By means of modern technology, like television and the Internet, we can see all parts of the sign even if we are not experiencing these things where we live.
Remember that Jehovah has already set the “day and hour” when the great tribulation will begin. (Matthew 24:36) Nothing that happens on earth can change the “day and hour” that Jehovah has decided.
Jesus warned Christians everywhere: “Prove yourselves ready.” (Matthew 24:44) We should always be ready. Of course we cannot be doing congregation activities all the time. And none of us know what we will be doing at the time when the great tribulation begins. Some may be working in a field or caring for responsibilities at home. (Matthew 24:40, 41) So, what can we do to be ready?
Emmanuel, Victorine, and their six daughters live in an area of Africa where they do not experience all the things that are part of the sign of the last days. But they wanted to be ready, so they decided to have a Bible discussion every day. Emmanuel explains: “It was difficult to find a time convenient to all. We finally chose the half hour between six and six-thirty in the morning. After considering the day’s text, we prepare a few paragraphs in one of the publications scheduled for congregation study during the week.” Has this helped them to keep on the watch? Yes, it has! Emmanuel is coordinator of the body of elders in the congregation. Victorine often serves as an auxiliary pioneer, and she has helped many to learn the truth. And their daughters are all active in the congregation.
Jesus warns us: “Keep looking, keep awake.” (Mark 13:33) Do not let anything distract you from keeping on the watch. Instead, obey the good counsel we receive at the meetings and in our publications, just as Arielle did. And like Emmanuel’s family, try to do something every day to show that you are ready and to “keep on the watch.”
a A modern-day drama about a Christian youth’s struggle to do what Jehovah says is right.
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Emmanuel and his family have a Bible discussion every day. It helps them to “keep on the watch”