Question Box
● Are parents to count as time in the field service the hours that they devote to teaching and training their unbaptized children?
The responsibility of teaching children Jehovah’s way requires much time and effort on the part of both parents. God-fearing parents should be alert to do this in various ways all day long. (Deut. 6:6, 7; Eph. 6:4) Whether the time used in this way shows up on a field service report or not has no bearing on the seriousness of the responsibility. There are many things that we do in connection with our service to God. Actually, very little of it is reported as field service.
However, the Society is interested in compiling a report of activity in the field service, service performed in carrying Bible truths to those of mankind who are not yet part of the Christian congregation. So what we report is largely our activity in preaching to the public, those who are not dedicated, baptized Witnesses.
However, in answer to many letters asking the question raised above, the Society has stated that, if a study is regularly scheduled and conducted with one’s unbaptized children, just as we handle other home Bible studies in the field, then, if the parent desires to do so, the one who conducts the study may report one hour and one return visit a week, and one home Bible study for the month.
We believe that it is best to limit the reporting of activity in connection with teaching one’s unbaptized children to that; otherwise the field service report of the congregation would soon not give much of an indication of what is being done about carrying the good news out to the public, the world of mankind.