Witnessing to Prisoners
1 Reports have come in from all over the country telling of the good work brothers are doing in contacting prisoners in various jails and penitentiaries, helping some to rehabilitate their lives spiritually. In a number of such institutions regular meetings are being held and several prisoners have studied to the point of dedication and baptism. Their changed pattern of life has been in itself a tremendous witness to others.
2 In some cases, prisoners have been helped by brothers who have corresponded with them over a period of time. There is a danger, though, about which we wish to issue a warning. Some prisoners are willing to carry on correspondence, feigning interest, simply for their own selfish advantage. The love, compassion and generosity of Jehovah’s people sometimes make them an easy mark for such individuals. If correspondence is carried on with a prisoner, it would not be good to begin sending money or material things at the prisoner’s request. Rather, the giving of spiritual information and encouragement to apply Bible principles in his life should be the reason for writing.—Prov. 14:15.
3 Since it is not recommended that sisters carry on correspondence with male prisoners, it would be good for such to be done by qualified brothers. It is also ill-advised for members of the congregation to visit the prison indiscriminately and have close association with inmates.
4 Where interest is shown by prisoners, it is good to turn the names and addresses of such ones over to the congregation nearest the prison, and let the brothers qualified to visit the prison contact these prisoners and arrange to study with them if possible. Usually these brothers know what is required and have special permission to enter prison facilities. It is not objectionable for these brothers to hold meetings with prisoners so that several may study at one time. We do not recommend that special events be held in prisons where publishers are invited to mingle with the prisoners indiscriminately. We believe the most good can be accomplished by just holding the regular weekly meeting where they are permitted by the prison officials. Thus, dedicated or interested inmates will be receiving the same spiritual feeding that Jehovah’s people on the outside are receiving.
5 Certainly we want to be of help to all persons who are hungering and thirsting for the truth, but caution must be exercised when dealing with those whose imprisonment is due to their own wrongdoing.