Improving Our Skills in the Ministry—Helping Bible Students to Progress to Dedication and Baptism
WHY IMPORTANT: To gain Jehovah’s approval, Bible students must dedicate their lives to him and get baptized. (1Pe 3:21) Spiritual protection then follows for those who live in harmony with their dedication. (Ps 91:1, 2) A Christian’s dedication is to Jehovah—not to a human, a work, or an organization. Therefore, students need to develop love and appreciation for God.—Ro 14:7, 8.
During the study, discuss what the information reveals about Jehovah. Emphasize reading the Bible daily and praying to Jehovah “constantly.”—1Th 5:17; Jas 4:8
Encourage your student to set dedication and baptism as spiritual goals. Also, help him to reach intermediate goals, such as commenting at meetings or witnessing to neighbors and workmates. Remember that Jehovah does not coerce anyone to serve him. Dedication is a personal decision.—De 30:19, 20
Motivate your student to make needed changes in order to please Jehovah and qualify for baptism. (Pr 27:11) Because certain traits and habits may be deeply ingrained, a Bible student may need ongoing assistance to put away the old personality and put on the new one. (Eph 4:22-24) Share with him articles from the Watchtower series “The Bible Changes Lives”
Relate to him the joy that you have experienced in serving Jehovah.—Isa 48:17, 18